Facing Adversity chapter sixty-nine

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Once the pizza was delivered we all sat down at the table as a family
Lena's family was her world.
She loved moments with her wife and daughters, tomorrow they would be heading back home. Hopefully we can leave around five in the morning to beat traffic, this trip has been a little overwhelming. I know this has been hard for Stef seeing her mother after all these years, Sharon hasn't change a bit. She's still the same wicked woman l knew growing up, eventually l'm gonna have to face with my own demons from my past
Luckily my parents don't have my phone number to call me. But l still have theirs, mommy l'm finished my food Frankie said to me. Good baby
Take your plate put in the trash and can your apple juice and you can watch tv for an hour. And go to bed
Mama wants to get on the road early and beat the traffic jam in the morning Lena says to Frankie
Frankie does as she's told. Stef is drinking a glass of wine, Stef and I haven't talked about what happened
My feelings are still hurt about what
Her mother called me. Ariel went back to sleep, after she was feed and bathe. I get up from the table to throw my stuff away in the garbage, Stef pulls me onto her lap. Baby l wanna apologize for what my mother called
She had no right to say those horrible things to you. And don't tell me
Your fine when I know it's not the truth Stef said, Lena's trying to keep her tears at bay. I'm use to be called
Names, l've faced racism most of my life. Due to the fact that my Daddy is white and my mother is dark skin
Being biracial hasn't been easy. Having people talk behind your back and call you the N word to your face, l don't want our children to face that kind of discrimination. I want them to be proud of who they are, so when your mother said that. It torn my heart in half, l don't understand why people can't see we love each other
When I look at you. I don't see the color of your skin, l see a woman who
I'm madly in love with. That l'm blessed to have in my life, l love this life we created. You are the other half of my heart, what your mother called me it effects both of us. Lena replies with tears streaming down her cheek
Stef hugs her wife tight as Lena sobs in her arms. Stef's hurting on the inside, she's never been in Lena's shoes. Stef was not pick on in school
This is the first time Lena has talked about being bullied coming up, Stef got the clouser she needs. Now she close this chapter of her life and begin a new one with her wife and children

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