facing adversity chapter forty-six.

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Once we returned home Lena went upstairs to get Francesca change into her bathing suit. Lena put hers on as well, while Stef was downstairs preparing a few snacks for our trip to the beach. Stef knew her wife was still upset, Frankie came down the steps
In her shorts and swim suit. Francesca had on the water shoes
Lena brought from walmart, mommy can l watched tv until mama gets ready. Frankie asks, go ahead baby
Frankie turned on the television
to her favorite cartoon. She sat down on the couch, Stef went upstairs to check on Lena. Lena was in the bathroom, Stef changed out her clothes. Stef put on her black one piece bathing suit, Stef knew she messed up with her wife. When Lena came out of the bathroom seen Stef getting dressed, Lena walked passed
Stef without saying a word to her
Lena was still pretty irritated with Stef. For embarrassing her at school earlier, Stef doesn't like fighting with Lena especially in her condition.
Lena wanted to have a nice day at the beach with her daughter. Baby l'm sorry for offending you, Stef said
Lena gave Stef the meanest glare
You made me feel like I wasn't important. When you too practically ganged up on me, we don't need that lunch program for Francesca. I'm not even sure if I want her going to that school, that woman took one look at us and assume and we were poor
I thought that moving here we would get away from people like that. We've dealt with people's behavior's back in our home town, l faced adversity growing up. The girls in school picked on me, because I was biracial and l had long curly hair, but l will not have our daughter experience that kind of racism and be ashamed of the color of her skin. Lena States
Stef never realize all the stuff Lena endore as a woman of color, Stef was always the opposite of Lena. Stef realizes now why they were people judge them in the past, because they were a interracial lesbian couple
It never affected Stef the way it did Lena. Lena came from a weathy family, Lena always held her head up
She was never embarrassed by dating outside her race. Lena went downstairs, Stef was deep in thought
Stef heard the front door closed.
Maybe Stef should have took her wife side hopes she made the right decision moving her family to San Diego. Stef took a deep breath and exit the bedroom, and headed down the steps. She went into the kitchen
to get the ice chest, with the food
Stef grabbed her sun glasses off the counter top. And walked out the door
She locked up the door, and went to join her wife and daughter. Stef open the side door and put the chest in the back seat, and hopped in the driver's side of the vehicle. Stef seen Lena already started up the car, Stef pulled out of the driveway. And headed down the road, she rolled the windows down, and turned on the radio. Stef reached out and took Lena's hand to her mouth and kiss where her wedding band was at

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