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Ever since moving to San Francisco a year ago me and my family experienced nothing but problems. We had our home broken into and list goes on and on. Luckily my wife was out of town with our five-year daughter Francesca who was the light in our lives. As I'm talking to the police officer, trying to explain to him what happened. He's trying to reassure me everything would be ok. I don't know how to tell my wife the university let me go
Because they were making budget cuts, l been with them for six months. Nobody else didn't get let go, I'm starting to think every since they found out l was lesbian they been treating me different, luckily we had enough money saved between the both of us. Now l will have to uproot my family and move somewhere safe, our own families don't want nothing to do with us. Every since we came out as Lesbians
People been acting funny towards us. My daughter's little friends don't come around anymore. We can't even go shopping together, we get strange looks everywhere we go,
This town isn't what we thought it was. These folks act like they never seen a interracial couple before. My wife is biracial and I'm white.

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