Facing Adversity part seventh

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We were finally on the road at 5am sharp. the only stops were made
Was to fuel up, use the restrooms
And grabbed a bite to eat. The whole drive was slient, Ariel and Frankie were asleep. Lena was reading a book on her phone, none mentioned last night's events. Sharon called a couple of times, Stef ended blocking her from contacting her again. Lena didn't blame Stef for feeling the way she felt
Lena just wanted to be back home
in her own bed again. Putting this trip in the back of her mind and moving forward with her wife and kids
Nothing else matter in that moment
They continue to drive for the next eighteen hours. Lena suggested they stop for the night, but Stef wanted to continue driving. Lena knows how stubborn her wife can be, Lena decided switch places with Stef
So Stef could get some rest. Stef eventually gave in to let Lena drive
Some, it's not like Stef didn't trust Lena to drive. Driving give Stef a sense of peace to think. Stef has always been the sole provide in the household, Since Lena became pregnant with Ariel. Lena loved her job as pediatric nurse, they were living off one income so money was tight at times. But they plenty of funds
Saved up in another account they rarely touched, it was for emergency proposes only. Since making the big move to San Diego, Stef is due to start her new job at the University in a few months. Francesca will be starting school in two months, leaving Lena and Ariel home, Lena thought it would be best to go back to work
When Ariel's a little older. Stef agreed
Lena glaced over and seen Stef asleep
Lena kept her eyes directly on the road. The sun was beginning to set
Lena was in need of a caffeine fix
She needed to be alert with driving long distance, Lena pulled into a Wawa gas station. Lena notice the tank was looking a little low, Lena she'll get something to eat while she was here, Stef can sleep like the death
When she's exhausted. Lena saw that Frankie was awake, they both got out the car. Lena held her daughter's hand as they walked inside the store
Lena and Frankie went to use the bathroom first, Lena wasn't fond of using public bathrooms. Frankie went into the stall with Lena, it was big enough for to people. Mommy l'm hungry Francesca said, okay baby we'll get you a sandwich and a drink
Lena, Frankie washed their hands in the sink. When finished Lena handed Frankie a paper towel, once they were done. They exit the restroom
Francesca told her mommy what kind of sandwich she wanted, Lena keyed in what Frankie requested. Lena ordered her and Stef mini six inch subs. Lena got turkey with lettuce cumbers and and for Stef roast beef with cheese. While the food was being prepared, Frankie and Lena went over to the snack aisle. Frankie choose gram crackers for herself
Lena got Stef her favorite chips
Lena didn't eat junk food. She opted for some trail mix, now to the drinks
Apple juice for Frankie. too bottles of water. Lena usually didn't drink coffee, if she was gonna drive
She would need some. Lena grabbed two large cups, and begin pouring coffee into the cups, Lena added hazelnut creamer in hers. Stef always
Just like sugar, Lena walked back over to retrieve her order. The sandwiches were done, Lena gave the girl her receipt and she handed Lena her bag
They walked up to the counter to pay
The man began scanner the items
Lena told she wanted gas on pump three. He asked how much
Lena replied a hundred, Lena swipe her card to pay for everything
The man gave Lena the receipt
Lena gave Frankie a bag to carry
And they headed outside. Frankie in the car and strapped her, seat belt on
Lena put the drinks in the cup holder
She took the gas cap off and started pumping the fuel into the vehicle
Frankie was now eating her sandwich
While Lena stood outside the car.
Lena heard a clicking sound which
Meant the tank was full. Lena put the cap back on, and started up the car again. Lena got buckle up and pulled out of the lot, Lena jumped back on the highway. Lena a sip of hot beverage, Frankie turned on a movie on the potable DVD player on the headrest behind Lena's seat. Frankie had the headphones on so she wouldn't disturb Lena.

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