~Night 1~

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It was almost dusk and team two was still in the lead. Not by much, mind you, as team one had the other van in their feild of vision the whole time.

While passing a gas station, Scar noticed two figures waving at them from beside the station. There were three tents set up and a little portable fire pit.

Zedaph furrowed his brow. "Why are they waving at us?"

"It's X and Keralis! That must be the checkpoint!" Bdubs exclaimed, "Zedaph, turn here."

As Zed turned the corner, Impulse shimmied around in his seat and grinned smugly at the camper van behind them. "We won! Nice driving Zed."

Zedaph parked their van and turned to smile at the brunet. "Thanks! It'll be nice to stand up hah-"

Zedaph jumped out of the front seat and streached as Scar and Bdubs left to speak to Keralis and Xisuma. Somewhere along the way, Tango had fallen asleep so Impulse was left to shake him awake.

"Tango!" Impulse patted his buddy's face, "We're here. We won!"

"Hah...?" The blond arose, rubbing his bleary eyes. "We what?"

"We won, Tango!" Impulse winked, "Go congratulate Zed. Give him a kissy kiss."

Impulse mockingly puckered his lips, making gross kissing noises at his tired friend.

"Okay, okay shut up-" Tango laughed, pushing Impulse's face away from his own. "I'm getting up."

Tango pulled himself up, walking over to where Zedaph, Bdubs and Keralis were talking.

"--gonna have prepacked sandwiches and stuff for you guys for a dinner-type thing." Keralis was saying. He noticed Tango and waved. "Hello Tango!"

Zedaph turned around, and winked. "Morning Sleeping Beauty."

"Good morning, Godzilla." Tango grinned at Zed, ignoring his little flirt. "Nice driving!"

"Why thank you." The dirty-blonde smiled back, "Though you've gotta thanks Bdubs here too. I would've missed the checkpoint if not for him."

Tango nodded at Bdubs, "Thanks!"

Bdubs grinned. "Of course! Im glad to have h-"

"Hey, Keralis right? 'Rich Kid' wants you over there." Doc came up from behind Bdubs, making the brunet jump.

"Oh, thanks Doc!" Keralis smiled at their little circle before waving and jogging over to Xisuma and Scar.

Doc turned to Zed, "Congrats Zedaph. You drove well."

"Thanks! You're taking your loss surprisingly well, knowing you." The britt patted Doc on the shoulder. Doc scoffed.

Tango snickered, and him Zedaph, and Doc began conversing about their trips, leaving Bdubs awkwardly standing there.

This is what I was scared of. He thought begrudgingly, Being the one person who doesn't know people well enough to know how to approach conversation.

"--Who was driving on your team?" Tango asked.

"His name's Grian." Doc said. "He kept wanting to speed up just a tiny bit past the speed limit to pass you guys but his.. boyfriend? Friend? I dunno. His buddy Mumbo insisted that he didn't break th-"

"They- they're not dating." Bdubs blurted, unitentionally inturrupting Doc. "I mean like, Scar says they aren’t, but they definitely act like it, but they aren't."

"Yeah, I thought so." Doc nodded. He was kinda pissed about being inturrupted but he told himself it wasn’t worth bitching about it. "And who are you?"

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