~Night 4~

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(A/N: And this is where things begin to go downhill :> Also sorry if this is short. They just need to hate eachother.)

Doc woke up alone in his teams van. He sat up and stretched, wondering where his teammates could have gone. When the german looked out the window, he noticed that they were already at the checkpoint.

Oh so they just left me in here. Doc realized, seeing a few folks gathered around a fire, and the silhouettes of people in nearby tents. Damn, I must've slept a while.

One would expect him to be mad about being left behind in the van, but Doc actually found it very nice. With the way the van was parked, Doc could watch the sun set over the prairie through the car windshield. It gave him some moments of peace.

Though, it was getting dark and Doc still wanted to eat something. The german left the vehicle and started towards the firepit, rubbing his eyes. He found Bdubs, Grian, Mumbo, Tango, Impulse, and Keralis at the pit.

"Doc!" Grian was the first to notice him, "Was wondering when you'd wake up. I hope you didn't mind being left in the van. Ren forgot to wake you 'cause he went off with Iskall and Mumbo was too scared too."

Mumbo snorted. "No, you were too scared too wake him."

Grian sighed, "...Yeeeee-eah I was too scared to wake him--"

Everyone laughed.

"Grian, you legend!" Doc grinned as he sat next to Tango, "Finally, someone finds me more intimating than the absence of light!" He gave Bdubs a wink, and the brunet pursed his lips. He glanced around nervously.

Keralis cocked his head with an amused grin. "Care to give us some context, Doc?"

Bdubs' eyes widened, shaking his head vigorously at Doc.

Doc thought he was kidding. "Oh, basically last night I thought Bdubs--"

"OKAY YOU CAN SHUT UP NOW--" Bdubs inturrupted, frantically waving his hands to get everyone's attention. "Doc, be quiet plea-"

"What, you don't want them to know you're afraid of the dark?"

A silence fell over the group, the only sound being a small gasp from Keralis. Doc's easy smile slid off his face as he realized he did something wrong. Grian whispered something to Mumbo and the two of them awkwardly headed toward their tent. Keralis, Tango and Impulse followed, knowing they didn't want to be caught in the crossfire of whatever was about to happen.

"We heard nothing!" Impulse called, zipping his tent up and leaving Bdubs and Doc alone.

"...What. The. Fuck." Bdubs growled, "What the fuck!"

Doc's opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't get the chance.

"I shook my head no!" Bdubs yelled, "How fucking dense are you!"

Doc furrowed his brow, "I-I'm sorry I thought you were joking I.."- he swallowed, -"Why is it such a big de-"

"You thought I was joking?" Bdubs yelled over him, "Maybe make those assumptions whem you know me better! If you still had a fear of the dark at seventeen d'you think you'd want people to know!?"

Doc agreed that it would be kind of embarrassing, but those were Bdubs' friends. Why could he, Bdubs' rival, know, but not his friends? "W-well no, but-"

"There are no buts! You- you fucking dickbag!" Bdubs' lip quivered, "I hoped at first that you were just bad at first interactions, or you were one of those playfully mean people but- you're just plain inconsiderate!"

Doc wanted to point out that Bdubs had been just as unnecessarily hostile, but seeing him, fists clenched, on the verge of tears, Doc just couldn't bring himself to yell back.

That means something, Doc thought, I'm being considerate.

"O-okay, Bdubs, I recognize I'm in the wrong."

"Yeah you are!"

"But you've got to see my side of this." Doc reasoned. He really just wanted to yell, but he had to be calm. "I can't tell when you're joking. I don't know you well enough yet."

"Then don't assume-- ..yet!?" Bdubs picked up his bag, "There will be no 'yet'! Screw you!"

"Er-" Doc bit his lip. "You don't think you're being a bit dramatic?"

"I don't!" Bdubs exclaimed, "I don't want to associate with people like you!"

"People like-" It was getting harder for Doc not to yell. "Maybe we both just don't know eachother!"

"Oh, no I know you." Bdubs spat, "You're an inconsiderate, rude, selfish piece of shit. You live up to your last name, Monster."

The shorter brunet grabbed a flashlight, and began storming to the tents.

But that did it.

"And look where you are."

Bdubs turned, "What?"

Doc's stomach boiled, his anger smoldering his sense. "Who says you're any better."


Bdubs sucked in his breath, meeting Doc's eyes. Tears were streaming down his face. "I'm not."

Doc's eyes widened.

"I'm a hypocrite, I know." Bdubs turned back around, his voice lowering. "But no matter what, whatever this is"- Bdubs gestured between Doc and himself-"it won't work. It can't work. We can't know eachother."


Doc went back to his teams van to sleep. It was better than his tent for that last night. The walls of the vehicle snuffed out the sound of crying from outside.


Bdubs nO- *sob*

Is it obvious I don't know how to write characters fighting? Yeah, constructive criticism is very welcome :)


Buh bye o/

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