~Day 3~

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(A/N: Personally one of my favourite chapters I have planned, so I really hope this turns out well lol. Also- filler songfic thing-)

Impulse knew it was probably his fault. In his defense, though, he wouldn't have been so tired in the morning if Zedaph and Tango hadn't convinced him to play monopoly with them all night.

"Impulse, wake up!" Tango shook the brunet awake, buzzing with excitement, "You're supposed to be driving today!"

"Mmmnoooooo" Impulse groaned and turned over. "Five more minutes, m'kay?"

"We're leaving in five minutes!" Tango said, "Come on! Zed and Bdubs and Scar are already at the van!"

"..Fine, fine. Be right there.."

Tango grinned, grabbing his backpack and dashing out of their tent, leaving his friend to doze off once more.

When Impulse woke up again he was being carried. He looked up and saw Scar, who was looking quite panicked. "Grab Impulse's bag, Bdubs!" He yelled, "Oh snap- I can't see their van anymore.."

Impulse groggily put two and two together and flailed out of Scars arms, landing on the ground with a loud thump!

"I'm so sorry! I slept in, didn't I?" The brunet grabbed Scar's hand and dragged him to the van muttering, "fuck this is just like my ninth grade finals..."

Once everyone, after a mad scramble, had piled into the van, they took off immediately, already ten minutes behind the other team.


"Guys I'm really sorry I-"

"Really Impulse, it's okay!" Scar patted Impulse's shoulder, "I doubt anyone here is actually serious about this competition."

Tango turned around in his seat to face the backseat. "The only downside is that Zed is going to be whining the whole time."

"Impulse, I don't wanna driiiiiiveeeeeeee for so loooooooonggggggg!!" Zed said, dragging out any and all vowels in 'drive' and 'long'. "I could be doing so many more productive things right now!"

Tango laughed, "Like what."

"Like staring forlornly out the window and wishing you were mine..."

There was a moment of silence before all hell broke loose.


"HaHA smoooooth~"

"You absolute fucker-"


Zedaph grinned, "The reactions to my quips are hilarious. I should keep flirting with you, Tango."

Tango crossed his arms. Impulse couldn't quite see from the back, but he was pretty sure Tango was scowling his ears pink. "All you do is flirt with me now."

"Ye...ah-" Zedaph's voice faltered, "Are you okay with it..?"

Impulse frowned. This might not be good for his OTP. The brunet leaned forward as the duo in the front seats started speaking in hushed tones.

"I.. I'm okay with it." Tango whispered, "I just- can we just still- y'know.. agh this is stupid nevermi-"

"No, Tango, your needs aren't stupid." Impulse leaned on his hands, his elbows resting on the space between the front seats. "Speak your mind."

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