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Okay, look. I've hinted at a sequel many times. There are loose ends in the book that need to be tied, such as wtf is up with Grian and Mumbo, or DOC AND BDUBS AREN'T TOGETHER YOU PROMISED ME BDOC, or.. I can't really think of any others but I'm sure you can.

I want to write a sequel. I'm betting you lot want a sequel.

But I present you with an issue: I don't fucking know what the sequel would even be about. I have no plans to go off of, no plots that would knit nicely onto the end of this one.

And I really don't wanna make a promise I can't keep. That's just a dickbag move.

So for now, I'm sorry to announce, but as of now (25/7/21), there is no sequel to Roadtrip planned or coming.

I hope this doesn't make anyone sad :(

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