~Day 5~

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(A/N: Last race! But not the last chapter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) So, without reading forward, any guesses on who's gonna win?)

Scar was the only person Bdubs would talk to in the morning. He knew that everyone would have heard his fight, and there were probably people who thought he had overreacted.

And in hindsight, he thought he had overreacted. But Bdubs didn't want to admit that. What Doc did was wrong, but Bdubs was also being extra.

The two teams ate their breakfast and prepared their vehicles under a tense awkwardness. Xisuma finally worked up his courage to ask Bdubs if he was still up for the competition.

"I wanna win still." He said in a quiet voice. "I don't wanna disappoint my team."

Scar came up from behind him, "You wouldn't be disappointing any of us, Bdubs. Just-" Scar picked his next words carefully. "-It's your day to drive. I know you get distracted easily when you're... sad. Should you really be driving?"

"And there's extra stress because today's the tiebreaker and D-"

Bdubs made a half-hearted dismissive gesture. "I'll be fine."

And with that he sulked over to the van.

Scar glanced back at Xisuma, "I'll make sure nothing happens."

Xisuma gave tired smiled, "Thank you... This was not what I thought would happen on this trip."

"Yeah, me neither. Last night was... something." Scar glanced concernedly at his teams grey-blue van, "I've never seen Bdubs that mad."

Xisuma nodded. "I hope him and Doc will be okay."

"Me too."


Scar plopped himself into the shotgun next to Bdubs. "Everyone ready to go?"

Bdubs nodded. Scar turned to the backseat, where Zedaph was attack-hugging Tango, and Impulse was trying to pry Zed's arms off the flustered blond. "How about you three?"


Scar chuckled, "I think they're fine."

Bdubs started the car, and vroomed away from the checkpoint quicker than the other team, which caught Zedaph's attention.

"Hey, we're in front of the other team! We might be able to win this!" Zedaph grinned. He managed to push past the tense awkwardness and say something to Bdubs. "Nice driving Double0!"

Scar thought he saw something of a smile on Bdubs' lips. "Thanks Zed."

"Hey wait-" Impulse sat up in his seat, "Today's day five. It's the last day-"

"Oh yeah!" Tango said, "Today's the tiebreaker!"

Bdubs' something-of-a-smile slipped away as discreetly as it had appeared. "That's alotta pressure huh.." He muttered.

Before Scar could say anything about it, Tango continued. "Who's driving on the other team?"

Zedaph shrugged, "Who cares, it's not like theyre gonna win anyways!"


"Ayyy!" Zedaph threw his arms back around Tango and said, "ANYWAYS, WHERE WERE WE?"


Scar and Impulse laughed, them the former glanced out the window. He wondered, if he squinted, if he'd be able to see the other teams driver through the side mirrors on the van.

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