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The dinner was rather peaceful compared to what I imagine. I am actually feeling a little bit shy because of how I acted during our first meeting.

I didn't know that they are kind. I should probably ask for forgiveness.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry for how I acted this morning. It was so rude of me to say things like that," I said.

"Eh? And here I thought that we wouldn't be able to connect with you," Maki-san replied.

"It's okay to me. I totally understand your frustrations since you gave up on your dreams," Panda-san answered.

On the other hand, Inumaki-san just nodded and continued eating his food.

I stared at him, specifically at his cheeks.

"Is that a tattoo?" I asked.

He looked at me confusedly, so I pointed at his cheeks.

"Okaka," he said while shaking his head.

"Huh? What then?" I asked again.

He glanced at Panda-san, asking for help.

"That's the snake and fangs seals of the Inumaki clan," he answered.

"Then everyone in your clan has that too?"

"No, Toge is one of a kind. He's special since he possesses it," it was Panda-san again who answered.

I nodded slowly, finally understanding his situation.

"It must be hard not to speak normally," I murmured to myself.

Then, my mind suddenly wandered about Kacchan.

"You're the total opposite of someone that I know. He's really loud and always shouting while you're really quiet," I commented.

"I changed my mind. I think we'll get along well," I added.

His eyes widened, and then immediately wrote something on his cute notepad.

'Then, we're friends now?'

I nodded and gave him a thumbs up. He wrote something again.

'You can drop the formalities now, Y/N.'

"Toge, then?" I said and stretched my hand for a handshake.

He reached for my hand and shook it.

"Ahem. Maki," Maki-san interrupted and asked for a handshake too.


"You can call me by my name too. I'm Y/N. Let's be friends, okay?"


I am back in my room and lying down on my bed when Kacchan requested a facetime again.

"What now?" I asked.

Instead of answering, he just clicked his tongue. He's not even looking at the camera because he's reading something.

"Are you studying?" I asked again.

"Yeah. Isn't it obvious?" He replied.

"What the heck. Why are you so grumpy?"

"Where's your classmate?" He mocked.

"You mean, Toge?"


I just watched him read his books and take some notes. Kacchan and I have been like this for months now. He suddenly changed his attitude towards me, and I don't know why.

Then, someone knocked on the door again. I saw how Kacchan stopped writing for a while before continuing what he's doing.

I left my phone on the bed and opened my door.

"Konbu!" Toge greeted.

"Hi? What are you doing? It's already late," I said.

He wrote something and showed me his notepad after.

'I thought we're going to study sign language?'

"Ohh, right! But I didn't know that you want to study it now," I said.

"Okay, then. Come in," I added.

I went back to my bed and grabbed my phone.

"Kacchan," I called him.


"I need to go. We're going to study sign language," I explained.

"I'm calling you while studying, so why can't you do the same?" He said, now looking directly at the camera.

"Okay, I won't hang up," I said so he wouldn't get mad.

I put my phone on the phone stand and gestured to Toge to come closer to my table.

"Sorry. Is it okay?" I said and pointed at my phone.

"Shake," he said while putting his fist in his palm.

"This is Katsuki Bakugou. Kacchan, this is Toge Inumaki, my classmate," I introduced.

"Whatever. Start studying now so you can finish it early," Kacchan murmured and started reading his book again.

We started studying by watching a tutorial on YouTube using my iPad.

We continued studying for almost an hour now, but when Toge tried to copy a gesture, he got it wrong.

"No, that's not it!" I exclaimed.

I held his hand to teach him how to do it properly.

"Y/N!" Kacchan suddenly shouted from the other line.

"What?" I asked, then looked at him.

"Go to sleep. It's late!" He exclaimed.

"But...," I was going to say something, but he cut me off.

"I said it's already late, Y/N. You can continue studying tomorrow," he said seriously.

Toge suddenly tapped my shoulder and showed me his notepad.

'Your boyfriend is right. I should go back to my room now. Thanks for your time, Y/N.'

He stood up.

"I'm sorry. Good night! Let's continue tomorrow, okay?" I apologized.

He just nodded and smiled before going outside my room.

I sighed and looked back at my phone.

"Kacchan, that's so rude," I said.

"Why did you hold his hands in the first place?"

"What? I'm just trying to teach him how to do it properly!"

"But there's no need to hold his hands!"

"Oh my goodness. Kacchan, you're jealous!" I said while laughing.

"Shut up! Go to sleep. It's late!" He exclaimed.

"Yes, yes. You should sleep too. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Yeah, see you soon."

SILENT WHISPERS (INUMAKI TOGE X READER)Where stories live. Discover now