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"Are you up already?" Toge said while poking my cheeks.

I just squirmed and hugged the pillow, rubbing my face onto it, feeling comfortable.

"It's already noon, darling."

"Uhm, five more minutes please," I mumbled.

He started giggling like a child while patting my head.

"Hmm, how about I make you some coffee?"

I remained silent because I am too tired to answer him.

"Okay. Silence means yes," he said.

After that, I heard the door opening then closing after few seconds. There was dead air.

After few minutes, he returned to the room.

"Here you go. Get up, sleepyhead," he teased.

"I know. I know," I said, making him giggle again.

"You look like a Persian cat," he stated, pointing at my hair.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult?"

"A compliment, of course. Here you go, your coffee."

He placed it on the bedside table.

"I hope you weren't tired from last night," he remarked.

My face started heating up because of what he said. When I glanced at him, there's a hint of red shade on his cheeks while staring at me.

"Don't look at me like that!" I exclaimed.

Toge just hummed and smiled at me.

"You're glowing," he said.

"Am not. By the way, what are the others doing?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"They're on the pool again. Don't worry. I told them that you're not feeling well today."

He sat in bed, encircling his arms around my waist and putting his chin on my shoulder.

"You okay?" I asked, caressing his cheeks.

"Yes. I just want to look at you for the whole day," he said.

"Nah, you can't, or you'll get tired of me easily," I replied, laughing.

"Hm? I won't. I thought I already made that clear last night," Toge insisted, placing small kisses on my face.

I didn't bother answering him because I know that he'll just tease me more.

"Let's get married after we graduate," he whispered.

"You didn't even ask me yet if I'm okay with that," I commented.

"Then, do you want to get married after we graduate, Y/N?"

"Don't you think it's too early to decide about that? I mean, I'm already sure about you but about the marriage..."

"I understand. You don't have to explain, darling."

God, why did you gave me such an understanding person? Do I deserve him?

"Please ask me the same question after graduation, and I'm sure I'll say yes. I love you so much," I said.

Hi! Just a short update since I promised my friend ( LiaInumaki ) that I'll update this book today. I'm running out of ideas. I had been and will still be very busy with university work, but I'll still try to update from time to time. Go check out my other fanfics too — "Forelsket (Inumaki)" and "Empty Space (Fushiguro)". Just check my profile and you'll instantly see that.

Keep safe, and thank you, everyone!

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