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/Time skip/

"Y/N," Kacchan said from the other line of the phone.

"Kacchan, Hi! I missed you," I replied excitedly.

"Y/N, we need to talk about something," he said seriously.

"Hm? About what?"

"You know how much I want to become the number 1 hero, right?" He started.

"Of course! You've been saying that since we were little," I laughed a little after remembering the little Kacchan talking about his dreams.

"I want to focus on my dream, Y/N," Kacchan continued saying.

"Stop. Don't say anything else," I said, now serious.

"Y/N, we need to stop this. I can't do this anymore. I want to achieve my goals," he replied.

"What about me? You'll leave me?" I said confusedly.

"I'm sorry."

"No! Wait for me, I'll go there right away, okay? Please."

"Don't. This is hard for me too, but I have to let you go. I'm really sorry, Y/N," he said and dropped the call.

I immediately went out of my room and started running towards the main gate. But before I could even reach it, I bumped into Gojo-sensei.

"Oh? Where are you going, Y/N?" He asked.

"Leave me alone," I replied.

"You can't go outside without permission from the principal," He said.

I just stared at him.

"Go back to your room, Y/N," he added.

I turned my back on him started walking away. But instead of going back to my room, my feet lead me to the garden.

"Huh? Why is my face wet?" I asked myself.

I reached for my face to wipe it when a sob escaped from my lips.

Did... Did Kacchan really leave me? Am I holding him back?

I sat at the bench, hug my knees, and place my forehead above it.

No! This is just another prank of Kacchan. I'm sure he'll call me any minute now.

Thirty minutes had passed, but he didn't call me. I remained sitting there, crying when the rain suddenly pours.

Is the sky crying with me?

I stood up and shouted since I know that no one will hear me anyway, no one will see me cry in this rain.

But I was wrong.

Suddenly, the rain stopped because someone put an umbrella on top of my head. And when I looked back, I saw Toge staring at me.

I stepped back. I've been avoiding him for weeks now because I hate how I started feeling nervous around him. I hate how it makes me think that I'm cheating on Kacchan when I'm talking to him.

He stepped forward again, still covering me with his umbrella.

"Why are you here?" I asked, avoiding his gaze.

Such a stupid question, Y/N. He found this place first!

Instead of answering me, he placed his right hand on my cheeks and wiped my tears away. My eyes widened because of the sudden contact.

"Stop it," I said with a shaky voice and held his wrist to stop what he is doing.

He made me hold the umbrella so he can talk to me using sign language.

"What are you doing here? It's raining!"

"Nothing. Just leave me alone," I answered him.

"I won't. Never."

Kacchan said that too, but he left me.

I can't hold my tears anymore. It instantly fell from my eyes as sobs continue escaping from my lips. Using my free hand, I covered my face out of embarrassment.

But he was so persistent since he removed my hand and replaced it with his.

"Stop. Why are you even doing this?"

He pulled and hugged me.

"Shh. It's okay. I'm here, Y/N," he whispered.

I was stunned for a while, making the umbrella slipped from my fingers. I don't know where I am shocked the most if he hugged me or spoke something else aside from his usual onigiri ingredients.

I resisted and pulled away from his hug.

"What happened? It's okay. You can talk to me."

"K-Kacchan... He left me," I opened up.

I tried reaching for the umbrella since he was already wet because of the rain, but he stopped my hand and held it.

"Let's go back to the dorms. You'll get sick."

"Leave me alone," I replied.

He didn't listen and started pulling me with him towards the dorm.

Why is he even doing this? He's making me feel things that I shouldn't feel! He's making me feel even worse. He's making me feel like I'm cheating, even if I am not.

I hate him. I hate him for making me feel this way. I hate him for making my thoughts go haywire.

But I hate myself even more. I hate myself for being too swayed quickly. I hate myself for letting him do whatever he wants.

When we reach the front of my room, he opened the door for me.

"Go change. I'll be back after changing too. You can talk to me so you can vent your pain, okay?"

He didn't wait for my response. He turned his back and started walking away, going back to his room.

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