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One month. I waited for another month until I decided that I should go back. I should go back to Jujutsu Tech to settle everything.

At this point in my life, I don't care anymore if he cheated on me. I am willing to accept him. But that's if he waited for me.

I was away for 6 months. I wonder if what changes are waiting for me.

"Ms. Y/N, we are already here," our family driver notified me.

I looked outside the window and saw the big gate of Jujutsu Tech. Funny how I ran away from here months ago, but here I am, trying to come back.

"Your parents already informed Gojo-san about your return," he added.

"Thank you," I replied as I exited the car.

I started walking inside the campus, observing everything.

I wonder if where they are.

Nothing much changed. It is still the same, based on what I recall. I hope they are too.

I was too preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn't see the people in front of me, almost bumping into them.

"Oh, sorry," I immediately apologized.

Who are these people? First-years?

"It's okay, miss. It's our fault too for not looking ahead of us," the tall, spiky dark blue-haired boy said.

"Nope. It's because of Itadori! This idiot keeps blocking my way!" The girl with mid-length orange hair exclaimed.

"Eh? Why do you always blame me?" The boy with light brown eyes and spiky pink hair whom they called Itadori a few seconds ago said.

"Ah, don't worry about it. And can I ask if where are the second-year students right now? I can't see Gojo-sensei anywhere, so...," I interrupted them.

"Now that you mention it, why are you wearing the same uniform with us?" The girl asked.

"I am actually a second-year student here too. I took a leave for several months because of an accident," I explained.

"Aha! You must be Y/N-senpai! I heard about you from Gojo-sensei," Itadori said.

"Yes, I'm L/N Y/N. Nice to meet all of you," I introduced myself.

"My name is Kugisaki Nobara, a first year student."

"Fushiguro Megumi."

"I'm Itadori Yuji! And since you're looking for everyone, might as well come with us since we're on our way to meet them."

I started feeling nervous again.

"Thank you so much."

We started walking. They were talking with me along the way.

"Ne, Y/N-senpai, why did you took a leave again?" Kugisaki asked.

"I got hit by a car. I am an idiot, right?" I answered while laughing.

"Huh? Then are you doing good now? Are you sure it's okay for you to move around a lot?" Itadori said.

"Hm. The accident happened six months ago, so I'm fine now. 2 months after the incident, I already recovered fully."

"Then why didn't you immediately came back?" Fushiguro asked curiously.

"The physical injuries were healed instantly, but I suffered from selective amnesia. I can't look directly at everyone. It's making my head hurt so much. But two months ago, my memories returned," I explained.

"I'm sure everyone will be delighted to see you!" Kugisaki exclaimed.

"I hope so."

I wonder if what their reaction will be? If what will be Toge's reaction. Will he hug me? Will they welcome me happily?

"Y/N-senpai, go straight in this corridor, then enter the second room. Gojo-sensei and the second-years are in that room," Fushiguro suddenly said.

"Ha? I thought you guys are going to meet them too?" I asked confusedly.

"I think that we should give you time alone to spend with everyone. You were gone for a long time. I'm sure these two will agree with me," he replied.

"Yeah! That's right! We'll see you again later. And nice meeting you too, Y/N-senpai," Kugisaki said and started pulling Yuji with her while she's walking away.

I had no choice but to wave my hand as I watch them walk away.

When I can no longer see the three, I turned around and started walking in the direction that they said.

Okay, Y/N, calm down.

I stood outside the room for minutes. I don't want to go inside. I'm afraid.

I stood there, and I can hear everyone having their training.

Damn, this was harder compared to what I thought it would be.

Suddenly, the door opened. It was Gojo-sensei.

"Oh! I was waiting for you! Why didn't you knock?" He said.

"Who's that, Sensei?" I heard Panda's voice inside the room.

Gojo-sensei didn't answer him. He went beside me.

"Come. I'm sure they will be surprised to see you," he said and pulled my hands.

"I'm scared," I whispered.

"It's okay. They aren't angry or anything, but I think they are a little bit upset because you suddenly left," Gojo-sensei said.

They are upset.

I noticed how everyone stopped in their tracks. I can't look at them.

"Yo, everyone! Our Y/N is finally back!" Gojo-sensei exclaimed excitedly.

The silence was too loud.

I gathered all my courage and looked up to them.

The first person that I saw is him, the person that I love, Toge.

"Eh? If it isn't the person who suddenly left us without saying anything," Maki commented not from afar.

"Maki, stop it," Yuuta countered.

I continued staring at Toge while listening to everyone.

They aren't pleased that I am here, that's for sure.

"I remember I had to do something important. I'll go ahead," Toge said, turned his back on me, and started walking away.

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