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"Makiiiii," I called her for the nth time.

"Stop annoying me, Y/N!" She replied.

I pouted and stayed in front of her, putting my hands on my waist.

"Come on! Let's buy some groceries," I pleaded.

She rolled her eyes and pushed me a little bit.

"I said I don't want to go outside! I rather stay here and train my skills."

I glared at her before turning my back and went to Panda.

"Panda, come with me," I said and pulled his paws.

"Huh? Where?" He asked confusedly.

"We need to buy some groceries and other stuff, duh!" I answered.

He stopped in his tracks, making me halt too because he is obviously heavier than me.

"I can't go with you today. I have errands to do. Call Maki, instead," he said.

"She already said no to me. Okay, never mind, I'll go by myself," I said with a sad tone, hoping that he will change his decision.

I heard him sigh deeply.

"Okay, wait here for a while," he said and started running.

I giggled, watching him run, and then sat on the field.

I was initially planning to ask Toge to come with me, but I saw how sleepy he is, so I didn't try to bother him.

After few minutes of waiting, someone tapped my shoulder from behind.

"What took you so long?" I said while turning around, anticipating Panda.

"Konbu," the off-white-haired man said.

"Huh? Where's Panda?" I asked confusedly, avoiding his eyes.

"He told me that you want to buy something and asked me to go with you."

"No! It's okay. I can go by myself," I exclaimed.

"No, I'll go with you whether you like it or not."

"But aren't you feeling sleepy?" I asked while playing with my hands.

"Nah, I'm good. I rather go to the shop with you than be bored in my room. Let's go?"

He gently held my elbow and pulled me with him.

"Wait! Are you sure? I mean, we can go next time if you want. You don't always have to agree with my whims, you know," I said, now feeling guilty.

He let go of his grip on my elbow and look at me before smiling.

"It's okay."

He put his hand on the top of my head, rubbing my hair.

And there is that feeling again. I felt my heart flutter for a moment. Cliche as it might sound, but I felt butterflies on my stomach while my cheeks are getting hotter every second.

This is something different from what I felt from Kacchan.

Kacchan was more on the bossy side, while Toge is always making sure that he is supporting everything on whatever decision they are making.

Why am I even comparing them in the first place?

It's been four months, Y/N. Don't tell me that you haven't moved on yet?

I shook my head and chuckled a bit. This is so ridiculous.

"Let's go then," I said and clung my arms to him.

SILENT WHISPERS (INUMAKI TOGE X READER)Where stories live. Discover now