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I spent the remaining days of our vacation alone in our house. Toge didn't call or text me during that time, which pisses me off big time.

My wandering mind was stopped when our driver suddenly spoke, "Miss, we are already here."

I glanced outside and saw the opened gate of the Jujutsu Tech.

"Thank you," I said as I got out of the car.

That boy, I swear to God, he didn't even wait for me at the gate? What the hell is his problem? Suddenly talking about marriage, and when I said, I'm not ready, saying it's all okay. Then the next day, he will start to ignore me? The heck.

I continued walking, holding my luggage on my way to the dorms.

"Oh, you're back too, Y/N-san!" Nobara greeted me when I almost bumped into her at the corners of the pathway.

"Unfortunately," I murmured.

"Oh, you guys are still not okay?" She asked.

"Well, yes. I don't care. I didn't do anything wrong in the first place," I explained, now a bit annoyed because of Toge.

"Don't worry. Everything will be okay. I promise you," she said with a smile on her face.

I didn't bother asking for more details since I didn't really get what she said in the first place.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I replied and continued walking my way to my room.


"Hey, tell me. What's the problem?" I asked as soon as I saw Toge at the cafeteria.

"Hmm? Nothing. Do you have a problem?" He answered, smiling sweetly.

"You know what? Nevermind."

I stood up and was ready to walk away when he pulled me back.

"Let's meet later. Let's meet where it all started, love," he whispered.

"What do you mean?" I shouted because he had started running already.

He started laughing and continued running instead of answering my question.

"Toge! Come back here!" I said and started running after him.

"Hey! Hey! What's happening?" Maki asked, stopping me from my tracks.

"Keep running, Toge!" Panda cheered.

"Take it easy. The both of you," Yuuta sighed, acting like he's tired of the both of us.

"He said some random things and started running when I was about the ask something about it," I explained.

The three, Maki, Yuuta, and Panda, exchanged some meaningful looks before smiling.

"What? Explain! I'm being left out. I hate it!" I pouted and started throwing tantrums like a kid.

"What did he say?"

"Like meeting where it all started. Yeah, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less."

"You know what, let's go outside the school after your meet up with Toge, so dress up, okay?"

"Okay?" I said, finding them all weird because of how they act.

"Come on. Cheer up! You know Toge. I'm sure everything will be alright."

Those words again. Everything will be alright. What do they even mean by that? I don't understand. Oh well, let's just trust all of them. I know that they won't do anything to harm me or anyone. After all, that happened. Not again.

SILENT WHISPERS (INUMAKI TOGE X READER)Where stories live. Discover now