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After that day, we became inseparable. It feels like we are trying to compensate for the time we both wasted.

"Y/N, my love, you haven't kissed me yet since this morning. Where's my daily dose of kisses?" He said, sulking.

"Hah, there you go again, being addicted to kisses!" I pointed out.

He exhaled deeply before putting his arms around my waist and laying his chin against my shoulder. His warm chest pressed into my chilly back. He proceeded to hold me and give me tiny kisses on the neck.

"Toge, stop it. I can't concentrate on what we're watching," I mumbled, giggling because of the ticklish feeling from his kisses.

He continued whining like a child who didn't get candy.

"Okay, okay! Just one then!" I declared so he would stop complaining.

"Nope, five!" He immediately exclaimed.

"Too much! Ah-" he cut me off by claiming my lips.

To have a better view of him, I had to crane my head. His lips were soft and warm. Our bodies pushed against each other, breathing heavily as we forced our lips together.

He guided my body to face him, carrying me a little, making me sit on his lap. At the same time, I cling my arms around his nape, totally forgetting about the TV show that we are watching.

When I felt like I was going to be out of breath, I pulled myself away.

"That's one. Four more," he whispered.

"Enough, let me catch my breath," I said as I leaned my forehead on his shoulder.

"Okay. Later then," he decided, tracing circles on my back.

"You're so obsessed with kisses lately," I commented.

"As I said, I can't get enough of you."

His words sent shivers down my spine.

"Come on, let's continue watching,' he spoke again when I didn't answer him.

I was about to get off his lap when he pulled me back.

"No. Continue sitting on my lap," he said sternly.

"Hmp, bossy," I remarked as I made myself comfortable with my new seat.

"You love it anyway," he asserted confidently while laughing.

"Couldn't agree more," I murmured and leaned my back on his chest.

"What are your plans for the one-month vacation given to us?" He suddenly asked.

"I don't know. My parents went out of the country for a business trip so I'll probably stay here, I guess," I answered him.

"You wanna stay in our house for a while?" He proposed.

"Can I?"

"Hm. You know how much my parents love you," he said, starting to tease me.

"Right? I'm starting to think that I'm their real child!" I commented confidently.

I already met Toge's parents once, and I enjoyed talking with them.

"Nope, the daughter-in-law is the right term," he stated.

"Yeah, whatever. I'll call my parents later to ask permission."

"I already did, and they agreed. Guess who's the real child now," he mocked.


"Good morning, Mrs. Inumaki. You're looking fabulous as always. And of course, you look handsome too, Mr. Inumaki," I greeted.

SILENT WHISPERS (INUMAKI TOGE X READER)Where stories live. Discover now