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"Okay? Then who are these people? And where is Kacchan? I'm surprised not to see him here, overreacting and getting mad at me for being so reckless," I said, laughing at my statement.

The room fell silent. I heard gasps from the people inside the room.

"Honey, they are your classmates. Can't you remember?" My mom asked me.

"Huh? Is that supposed to be a joke? It's still a vacation, and we were arguing because I want to enroll in UA and not in the Jujutsu Tech or something that you're talking about!" I exclaimed.

"Y/N, you've been living here in Jujutsu Tech for almost a year now, and you'll be a second-year soon," she explained.

I felt a sharp pain inside my head.

"Stop! Oh my God, please stop," I begged while putting both my hands on my head because of the pain.

"I'll call Shoko-sensei," a man's voice said.

"Calm down, Y/N!" I heard my dad said.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.

"Mom, I don't understand? Where's Kacchan?" I tried asking while sobbing because of the pain.

"Shhh. Okay, I'll call Katsuki," Mom said.

"I think she's suffering from selective amnesia. Normally, it will take weeks or sometimes even months, and her memories will voluntary return," I heard the lady wearing a laboratory coat, said.

"Take a rest, for now, Y/N," my mom whispered.

"Mom, Dad, get me out of here! This place is making me sick. I can't handle the pain in my head," I said, crying and pleading.

"Y/N," someone called me.

When I turned and glanced at my side, I saw the man with purple eyes. Looking at him made me calm for a minute, but at the same time, something inside my heart and head started aching even more.

Who are you? I wanted to ask him.

His presence is so familiar. Everyone seems so familiar. But why? Why can't I remember any of them?

The pain inside my chest became unbearable, that I had to put my hand above it, gripping the hospital gown that I am wearing.

He suddenly hugged me tightly, putting his hand at the back of my head.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault," he said, crying.

I don't understand. The pain won't subside no matter what they are saying!


It's been five months since everything happened. Supposedly, I should be in school as a second-year student, but I had to force my parents to ask the school to allow me to have a break.

I cut off my connection with everyone in Jujutsu Tech. Well, it's not like I remember them. But ever since last month, I started having dreams, and I don't know if it really happened to me or what.

Every time I'll wake up, everything seems so vague. I can't exactly remember the dream that I had, and if I forced myself, I started having migraines.

"Kacchan! Let's watch a movie!" I said, brushing off my thoughts.

"Why don't you go and ask your boyfriend?" I heard him whispering to himself.

"Eh? That's what I'm doing right now! I'm asking you to watch with me!" I exclaimed.

"Do you want to watch a movie tonight?"


What was that right now?

"Y/N! Are you listening to me?" Kacchan said while waving his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry. What were you saying?"

"I said let's go buy snacks if you want to watch a movie! Geez," he replied, a little bit annoyed.

"Why are you so grumpy?"

"Nothing. You won't understand even if I tell you."

"Come on, tell meeee," I tried persuading him.

He took a deep breath.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

There was something in the tone of his voice that I can't quite explain. It made me tremble and feel nervous for a bit.

"Yeah, I guess?" I said, laughing to brush off the awkwardness.

"I'm tired, Y/N. I'm tired of everything. We need to stop this!" He blurted out.

"Yah! That's not a good joke, Kacchan!" I responded, hitting him in his chest out of anger.

"Y/N, wake up! Don't fool yourself anymore. I know that you're starting to remember everything. So please, I'm begging you, let's stop this. You need to go back to him, or I won't hold back my feelings anymore!" He insisted.

"To whom should I go back to? I don't know, okay!? I don't know! I can't even remember his name nor his face! I only saw snippets of my memories," I cried.

"I'm out of this. I don't want to meddle with this shit anymore! You know that I care for you, right? So much. So damn much. But I'm exhausted, Y/N," he whispered the last phrase.

"What about me? Can't you stay with me until I remembered everything?"

"Go back to him, Y/N. He's waiting for you. Inumaki Toge is waiting for you."

Inumaki Toge.

As soon as I heard his name, fragments of memories came rushing into my mind.


"Why are you asking me for a seaweed?"


"You looked so sad a while ago, so I thought of giving you one," he said using sign language and handed me a flower.


"Okay! I like you. Is it a bad thing?"


"Can you give me a chance? Can I court you, Y/N?"

"Oh God," I said, now crying while putting both my hands on my mouth.

I left him. Alone.

"Damn. I just mentioned his name, and it affected you so much. I lost, big time," I heard Kacchan whispering.

SILENT WHISPERS (INUMAKI TOGE X READER)Where stories live. Discover now