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"Y/N? Are you awake already? You haven't eaten breakfast yet, and it's already lunch time!" I was awakened by Panda, who was knocking on my door.

I glanced at the clock on my bedside table and saw that it was already 12:05 PM.

Since Panda continued knocking, I had no choice but to get up and open the door for him.

"Hey. What's up?" I said.

"You haven't eaten anything since last night. We're getting worried, so I decided to check on you," he answered, looking at the floor.

"Let's go eat lunch right now, then," I responded enthusiastically and went out of my room.

While we were walking, he was talking with me.

"Y/N, we're really sorry for how we acted when you came back," he said, almost sounding like a whisper.

"Nah, it's okay. Let's forget about that already," I suggested, patting his back to ease the awkwardness.

"And I want you to know that we didn't forget about your birthday yesterday. It's just that we don't know how to approach you."

"Yah! That's something I won't easily forgive, so all of you need to make it up to me!"

"Yes, ma'am!" He said, saluting to me.

"Let's celebrate later!" He even added.

We were already outside the cafeteria when we heard Maki getting mad at someone.

"Hey! Don't sleep in front of the food! That's what you get for staying up late!" We heard her yelling.

When we entered the room, we saw Toge sitting in front of the table; eyes are still half-closed.

"You too, Y/N! Why did you wake up so late?" She suddenly pointed at me.

"Sorry!" I said out of shock.

"Kidding. Come here and eat."

Panda, standing beside me, immediately ran and sat beside Maki and Yuuta, who I think just got back from the mission.

I had no choice but to sit beside Toge, who's still looking so sleepy.

"Good afternoon," I greeted, trying to remove the tension forming in the air.

"Good afternoon!" He immediately said, now being attentive, which made the other three laugh.

I messed up last night, and I don't want to repeat the same mistake. Hopefully, before this day ends, we can talk with each other seriously to settle everything.

But it was already night again, and I didn't get the chance to speak with him.

"Y/N, It's your shot now," Maki said, handing me a shot glass.

We are all in the cafeteria with the first years. So this is what Panda meant by celebrating my birthday!

"Ha? I don't drink alcohol!" I protested.

"Come on! Just for this night! We missed you," she insisted.

"Maki, don't force her," Toge, who was beside me, interrupted us, trying to get the glass from Maki.

"No, it's okay. Give me that, Maki."

"See?" Maki said proudly, smirking at Toge as she passed me the glass.

As soon as I finished drinking, I regretted my decision. It doesn't taste very pleasant! It made me feel dizzy for a few seconds.

3rd Person POV

SILENT WHISPERS (INUMAKI TOGE X READER)Where stories live. Discover now