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"Oh? Everyone's here," I said, stating the obvious.

I looked at everyone who's standing outside, carrying their luggage.

"You doesn't sound happy, Y/N!" Maki commented.

"No! I mean... uh, I'm surprised. Of course, I am happy."

I opened the door widely so they can all come inside.

"Where's Toge?" Yuuta asked.

"In his room. Wait, I'll call him. Just sit there and take a rest, okay?"

I went upstairs to Toge's room. And there, I saw him sitting at the edge of his bed.

I closed the door behind me before going towards him.

"You didn't tell me that everyone's going here today!" I exclaimed.

He pulled me, making me sit on his lap.

"I forgot. We got so busy last night," he whispered.

His voice is making me blush. Damn, too sexy.

"Oh, God. Why are you like this?" I said, trying to sound annoyed.

"Don't worry. My room is soundproof. They won't hear us," he whispered again, chuckling.

"No! We won't do it again!" I angrily said.

"Ehhhh, why? You were enjoying it last night!" He replied, pouting because of the sudden anger.

"You took it seriously! My body still hurts because of that goddamn pillow fight!" I stated.

"But you were the one who started it!"

"Whatever. Let's go downstairs now. Everyone's waiting."

I got off his lap and tried pulling him with me.

"Come on. Don't be stubborn, Toge!"

He tried to resist, sulking even more.

"Hey! What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"I shouldn't have invited them. I won't have your full attention again," he answered, almost sounding like a whisper.

I laughed because of his cute reason, but he seemed offended even more because of it.

"They are our friends, Toge. Don't worry, okay? You always have my attention," I uttered, kissing him on the cheek to validate his feelings.

Toge's mood changed instantly. His eyes lit up after hearing what I said.

"Let's go?" I tried persuading him again.

He held my hand as he stood up from his bed.

"Really? Really?" He asked again.

"Of course. Now, let's get going, okay?"


"Took you long enough!" Panda said as soon as we reached the end of the stairs.

"Toge's acting like a child again. I had a hard time convincing him," I explained, to which Toge just laughed at.

"I will never get used to the both of you being close," Kugisaki commented.

"Oh, come on, it's been months!" I exclaimed.

"You guys must be tired. Go and take a rest," Toge remarked.

"Inumak-senpai, you have a pool, right? Itadori won't stop blabbering about wanting to swim," Fushiguro said.

"Eh? Not just me! We were talking about it yesterday!" Itadori countered.

SILENT WHISPERS (INUMAKI TOGE X READER)Where stories live. Discover now