The Reunion

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~one year after the Touissant heist~

Lou's POV

*is on a phone call with Debbie*

"Deb where are u now?"

"Near Croatia, why?"

"Look, I need to talk to you, I'll send you a ticket for tomorrow evening I'll pick you up at the airport when you arrive."

Debbie answered confused. "Okay sure, see you then."

Debbie's POV

I pack my suitcase and go to the airport. A few hours later I land in Belgium, why Belgium, where Lou is waiting for me at the terminal.  I'm still totally confused about what's going on here and just follow her. We go to her car and drive off, we haven't spoken a word to each other yet and the whole atmosphere is just strange.

"Lou?" she just nods

"Why Belgium?"

"I'll explain it later"

"Hm okay... How have you been, I haven't seen you for half a year."


She is extremely brief in her answers, which makes me really uncomfortable.

"We need to talk about that, I don't wanna be with you like that, you're still my best friend."

"Oh am I, really?"

She still seems to be very angry because of what happened but it was clearly not ALL my fault.


Shortly after the robbery, Lou came back on her motorbike because we wanted to meet at her house when everyone was gone. She told me everything, about her feelings for me and what she did to free me. I told her that I had feelings for her too and we decided not to leave New York and give it a try, which worked out well at first, but after a few weeks our dream bubble burst and we just lived next to each other. No intimacy, no conversations, not even eye contact for weeks. At some point I told her that I had a date with a guy because I thought that was it, she got angry, of course I know I hurt her, but she must have realized that it didn't work and I didn't want to push it to the point where it destroyed our friendship. Obviously it did anyways. I know I did something terrible and she'll probably never forgive me or trust me again, but I really wish we can fix this sooner or later.

We arrive at her home, it's huge, even bigger than her old house in New York. I get out and look at her.

"Please let's talk, I can't lose you forever."

Lou's POV

I really don't know if I ever can forgive her that but what she said really hit me, I just can't play it cool anymore.

"You won't, let's go inside."

It was really hard to say that, even when it wasn't much. I discreetly wipe a tear off my cheek and go into the house.

"Okay here we are, I hope you like it, I will show you your room and you can put your stuff there"

"You rehearsed what you just said, didn't you?" Debbie smiles at me carefully, god this smile, I really missed this smile.

"Shut Up" I laughed at what she said and smiled at her. "I've missed you" I said a lot more quietly and went up the stairs to her room. We both sit down on her bed and look at each other for a moment, I want to get up, but she takes my hand and holds me where I am.

"Can we please talk now?" She says with a serious look in her eyes.

"God please no, I really don't want to." I turn my head away and take my hand to myself.

"But I hate seeing you like this and to know that it's my fault makes it worse. I just want you to be happy Lou."

"I'm recovering right now, I'll be fine, really. I am not even sad about what happened anymore, I just regret a lot and try to fix my trust issues. I also want us to be friends again, really."

"Okay yeah that sounds good, so do you wanna tell me why I am here?"

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