We Should Stfu To Not Make This Even More Awkward

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*9 a.m. in the morning*

Debbie's POV

I wake up and hear Tammy in the hallway with the kids. I look at the clock, get ready and then go out to them. After the breakfast and some small talk we all get ready to go out. We walk together to the car and get in. Tammy buckles up the kids and gets in on the passenger side, I get in on the driver's side.

"Are you ready for the zoo?" I ask them and the girl looks really happy and they both scream "yes". She always talks about that zebras are her favorite animals, that's so cute. I see Tammy smiling what makes me smile too. I always loved seeing her happy. I start the car and drive off. We drive there for an hour and Tammy keeps the kids busy in that time. When we arrive I park and we go in together. We spend about 6 hours at the zoo to warch the animals. Afterwards the kids play on the playground and I can talk to Tammy for a while.

"What do you wanna do if all this is over?" She asks me.

"I don't really planned anything probably traveling or something like this. What about you?"

"I'll change nothing I guess. I probably just live with Keri and Derek in our house and get them into good colleges. I mean if I win that stupid Custody dispute."

"Oh no doubt that you'll win. I saw you with them and that's really magical. You're such a good mom." I say smiling and take her hand.

"That's really sweet of you, thanks." She smiles too.

Two hours later the kids are tired and we drive back home. They fall asleep in the car and we bring them into their beds as we arrive.

"Hey do you wanna watch a movie together or are you tired as well?" I ask her.

"No I'm actually wide awake I would just use my time masturbating again."

"Oh wow well I can help you with that." We just laugh it off, sit down on the couch and start watching a movie while drinking wine. After one hour she turns around and faces me. I look a bit shocked at her and she turns back again.

"Tam, what is it?" I ask her.

"Ah nothing it's dumb."

"No just tell me already."

"Okay well I thought about what you said. I mean why shouldn't we, we're both not straight I guess and your're hot like hell, and we both just want an orgasm." She stops talking and blushes because I raised my eyebrow. It's not like I haven't thought about that.

"Are you serious? So you think I'm hot..." I ask her. I really did not expected that from her anyways.

"Just forget what I said." She turns around and stares at the screen.

"You're really hot too TamTam." I say grabbing her thigh and slowly getting higher.

"Do you think so?" She asks with puppy eyes facing me again.

"I do." I say turning her under me and press her down. I have one hand on her neck and choke her a little. I am close to her and feel how her heart gets extremely fast.

"Do you want me to stop?" I ask her.

"God no please don't."

"Good." I say looking her straight in the eyes not knowing if I should kiss her or not. I feel her body pressing against mine and her arms on my back pulling me closer to her.

!!! TW: sexual actions I'll keep writing right-aligning until it's over!!!

I get my face closer to hers and whisper.

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