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I hear Lou's phone ring and see on the screen that it's Tammy, I answer it and leave the room so I don't wake her.

"Hey Tammy, sorry it's y/n, Lou is still asleep. How can I help you?"

"Good morning sweetie, oh nothing important we just wanted to come over for breakfast and stay then, is that alright?"

"Yeah sure of cause, what do you guys wanna eat?"

"Oh you really don't need to make something."

"Just tell me already, otherwise I'll be string at Lou all the time and she'll think I'm a creep, which I actually am but she doesn't know yet..."

"Believe me she knows... she knows always everything, I'd say that is kind of creepy. Back to what you asked, Pancakes would be nice, the kids love them."

"Good, great see you then."


*One week ago*

Tammy's POV

I just got the papers for my divorce and everyone is leaving or going away. I really enjoyed the time we all lived together at Lou's, I was never alone. I have no idea how I'm going to manage everything now with the kids, the divorce, the job, god I'm going to have a nervous breakdown sooner or later.

"Hey are you okay, you seem stressed?" Debbie asked me.

"Yeah no it's all good."

"I feel weird asking that but can I maybe come with you? I have nowhere to go now and I'd not feel comfortable staying with these two love birds right there."

"Totally relatable.... I mean they're cute but I wouldn't stay either. You can come with me if my kids are no problem. And you really could help me to get along with all."

"You know I love your kids, but you never wanted me to get to know them because I'm no good influence."

"Yeah I know, but I'm neither and my soon to be ex husband is even worst so you'd be great."

"Thank's really nice..."

"Ugh shut the fuck up you know what I mean, now come on." I say taking our stuff and go out the door. She gets into the car while I put the bags in the trunk. I also get in and drive to my husband. (Hey It's me sorry to interrupt but I don't know about the name of Tammy's husband and it's annoying to always call him "her husband" so let's just call him Chris, Tammy looks like she married a Chris and I really don't know about his real name. Btw if anyone knows it PLEASE let me know!!) When we arrive, I get out and turn to Deb.

"Hey do you mind waiting here? I'll be right back."

"No, I'll wait." She says and I go to the door and ring. Chris opens and I hear my children screaming in the background. I have a smile on my face and they run into my arms. Chris moves aside and I hug them.

"Hey little ones." I say kissing each one.

"Wanna come back home with mommy?" I see their eyes sparkling.

"You're late." He says giving them their jackets.

"Calm down only 5 min. You really can't wait to get rid of them don't you?"

"Oh shut off Tam. You know I love them."

"Language Chris. Stop talking like that in front of them."

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