Game Night

818 36 23

*5 P.M.*

Lou's POV

I am awake before y/n and get up carefully so I don't wake her. She looks so peaceful and innocent when she sleeps. Last night was amazing, so much better than I've ever experienced. I cover her up again and sneak into the bathroom. There, I call the room service and order some breakfast for us, since we didn't get to eat last night, for obvious reasons. Then I brush my teeth and get into the shower. I hear something at the bathroom door and when I turn around y/n is standing there, covered with her blanket.

"Can I join?" She asks and looks at me up and down.

"Of cause, come in." I hold out my hand to her and gently help her into the shower.

"Is the temperature okay?" She wraps both arms around me and rests her head on my chest.

"Perfect" She whispers quietly and I just smile. We stand for quite a while under the water like this, until it knocks on the hotel room door. She looks at me in wondering and I quickly get out of the shower and dry myself off. I still go with wet hair and only a towel around me to the door and take breakfast.

"Thank you so much." I say to the Women who brought it and close the door again.

"Do you want pancakes or scrambled eggs?" She comes out of the bathroom with her towel and has that sparkle in her eyes again.

"You ordered pancakes? I love pancakes."

"Yeah I wasn't sure what you would like to eat so I ordered... all of it." She smiles at me and looks at all the food.

"Do you have coffee or something?"

"Yeah sure right here." I give her a cup of coffee and make myself an espresso. I take a sip and finish dressing, since we have to go back in a little while. She does the same and as we are ready we go out the room and to the entrance hall. I pay everything and ask for my car. As soon as I get it we get in and drive to my place. I park behind the house and before I can get off y/n grabs my hand and looks at me.

"Thank you for this. It, you were great." She smiles and kisses me long and soft. I can only smile back when it was over and stroke her cheek. We get out the car and walk together to the door. Before we reach it we see Daphne and Rose standing in front of it kissing. "The date must have gone well." I say to her quietly and she smirks.

"Hey lovebirds." I say interrupting them and smile. Daphne turns completely red and looks at us with surprise.

"Where have you two been that early, I thought we were the only ones who didn't slept at yours."

"We were in the same hotel as you two but we went to our room early because we didn't want to disturb your date." Y/n says while looking to Rose who just winks at her. I look at both of them in confusion and raise an eyebrow.

"Oh well that's very sweet of you." She said still very tensed.

"Come on let's go in." Rose says and as we go in everyone is on the couch talking. I let go of y/n's hand out of reflex and can see the disappointment in her face. Shit. I always ruin everything, just this small move must've made her so uncomfortable, she probably thinks I just used her for sex. God I'm such an idiot. But I didn't know if she wanted anyone to know and I also don't wanna hurt Debbie, she is still very important to me.
We work all the time through and are faster with everything than planned. We decide to spend this evening all together and toast. We get all dressed up again and get ready, nothing special just a little celebratory. I finish a few minutes early and go over to y/n and knock.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"

"What is it?" She tries to play it cool but I can hear that she's hurt.

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