Back To New York

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(This chapter contains some pictures)


I wake up in Lou's arms and look at her. She is still asleep and looks so happy, just beautiful. Besides, she smells good, a mixture of vanilla and jasmine. I smell her hair and close my eyes again. Both of us wake up when suddenly Lou's alarm clock goes off. I look at her in wonder and she turns it off. It is now two hours later.

"Do you have somewhere to go?" I ask her.

"No, but I have to make a few phone calls. I've been disconnected the whole time and have some important things to take care of at home. I think I'll be busy with it pretty much all day sweetie I'm sorry." Lou says.

"Don't worry, I was planning to look around here anyway." I say and stand up to get ready. When she also comes into the bathroom and gets ready I look at her through the mirror.

"Your hair looks cute." Now she also looks in the mirror.

"Oh god, what happened up there." She fixes her hair and I watch her, smiling.

"I thought it suited you..." I say.

"You have a weird taste darling."

"Oh shut up I don't" We both smile and continue getting ready. As we finished we get out and get dressed. Lou only wears something cozy because she says in the whole day anyway and I'm wearing casual clothes to avoid drawing attention to myself. As I'm on my way out I hear Lou saying something.

"Have fun darling, I love you." She smiles very much when she said those words and I smile too. Actually I blushed.

"I love you too." I say on my way out and leave. I'm looking for the city center and walk around disoriented. While listening to the playlist Lou has made me. It takes about 2 hours until I arrive where actually life is. There is a small town with tiny stores. You can see the whole town with one look. Behind the collection of small stores are again apartment buildings and behind them is a forest. I decide to go there and look around. there is a jewelry store, a toy store, a drugstore and a vinyl store. Lou told me once that she had a lot of LPs at home and we were planning to listen to some together. I walk into the store and take a look around. For the fact that it looked so small from the outside, it is quite big. I am in there for a few hours and find a total of three LPs that I can give to Lou. When I come out of the store with the LPs, I see that I have a message from her.

Hey are you okay?

I smile at her message and answer.

Yeah ofc. Do you need anything?

No I'm good thanks

Okay hun

Oh wait, could you buy some toothpaste?

Sure. That's it?

Yeah I think so.

Great see you later, I miss you


God I really love this woman and I know exactly how she looked like sending me this heart. She had this barely recognizable smile on her face where just her smile lines get a little deeper. Very attractive by the way. With this thought in my head, I go into the drugstore and get the toothpaste. It's already really late and I notice how it's slowly getting dark. I make my way back to the motel and arrive this time in an hour and a half. When I come in, Lou just ends her phone call and puts her phone aside.

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