Get To Know Each Other

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Lou's POV

"Yeah sure sorry. So when you were in prison I actually came up with a plan too, but I didn't get to tell you about it because you wanted to get right on with your plan, we both know why. Anyway, that's why we're in Belgium. Do you know the Antwerp World Diamond Center? It's near here and I've read up on it, the security system is flawed and with 9 Ball we would definitely get in. I have already spoken with Amita, she would also be there and..." Debbie interrupts me.

"Okay but don't you think we have enough money?"

"Yeah obviously but it's not about the money, it was never about the money."

"Okay but about how much money are we talking?"
I answered quickly, probably too quick but I can not hold back my excitement.

"Around 400 Millions, 44,5 Millions for each."
Debbie looks shocked.

"Don't you think that's worth it?" I smile at her and know exactly what she's thinking at that exact moment.

"It definitely is, tell me everything."
I explain everything to her and she just looks at me with her mouth open.

"Okay now I feel dumb." She says and continues "My plan looks really small next to yours. Why didn't you say something before, then we could have saved ourselves the trouble with the Touissant."

"Because I knew that you wanted to do that and you planned this your whole time in prison, I don't wanted to crush your expectations. And you also wanted to lock up Claude and that wouldn't work out with my plan."
She smiles at me and hugs me.
"You are really the best person I know"
"But still not good enough" I stand up and go to the door.

"It's late. You should sleep, the others are arriving tomorrow morning and then we will go through the plan again, you are free to join us."

"I'll be there, good night."
I go to my room and we both go to bed and fall asleep really quick.

*next Morning*

Debbie' POV

I hear voices from downstairs and look at the clock, wasn't she going to tell me? It's half past nine already. I get up and shower as quickly as I can, then throw on some clothes and go downstairs, still with wet hair, but I stop on the stairs because everyone is looking at me with amusement.

"Sorry, I'm late."

I go down further and sit with them. I look around, it's nice to see everyone again, almost everyone. Lou sees me looking around and speaks to me.

"Rose and y/n are late, they will arrive at 10."

"Who is y/n? I thought this will be just us."

"No need to be insecure, she seems to be okay, I haven't met her yet just heard what Rose told about her."

"And how does Rose know Y/N? Can we trust her, I mean this is a lot bigger than our previous robbery."

"Well I trust Rose and Rose trusts her so I'm pretty sure she's okay."

"You are "pretty sure", are you kidding me? This could get us a life sentence."

"Deb, it will be okay, there is really no need to worry that much about her, but if you have any worries, after you've met her and get to know her you can tell me anytime."

I'm really worried, once in prison was enough for me and I think Lou doesn't worry enough, she was so careless last time too, but we were lucky back then, I'm not sure if luck will be on our side again this time but I trust her like I've never trusted anyone before, and yes, I'm a control freak, but that's not the worst quality to have when you have to plan and execute something like this. After this conversation, where we all talked about our year after the first robbery, I make breakfast and listen to Lou talking to Tammy about a couple of things. I know it's stupid and I probably shouldn't feel this way, but I want her back, so bad. I know it's too late and that she'll probably never trust me in that way again, but I really miss that time, even if it was short, too short. She really was the perfect girlfriend you could have wished for, and I ruined everything because it got complicated. Ugh I hate myself so much for that, and I want her back SO VERY MUCH. I really shouldn't have these thoughts and luckily Daphne interrupts those.

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