What Happens When We Finish The Plan Successfully?

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(This chapter includes a few pictures)

A few days later, Lou and Debbie are talking intensely. They clear up everything that needed to be cleared up and now get along with each other better than ever. Debbie is over Lou and completely focused on the planned robbery, and Lou and I spend every minute of our free time together. I have never felt so good in my life. Me and Lou have officially been together for 3 weeks now but are still very discrete, because we mostly concentrate on what we're working on anyways.

05th Feb. 2021

Me and Lou live kind of in the same room and sleep in the same bed every night. Sometimes I really wonder how she does it. Being the sweetest person in the whole world in one moment and then bursting with sexual tension and sex appeal the next. I think there are only a couple of people who can do both as well as she can. Every time she looks at me THAT way I immediately get horny and would let her do anything to me, she does something like flipping an on/off button.

!!! TW: sexual actions  I'll keep writing right-aligning until it's over!!!

When I wake up I look at her for a while, and then wake her with soft kisses. When she is awake and kisses me back, I run my hand over her body to her panties. I can feel that she has goose bumps all over and she kinda presses her body towards my hand. She bites her lower lip as I go into her slip and touch her gently.

"Good morning sweetheart." I say keeping on touching her.

"Yeah, a really good morning" She says in a soft moan smiling.

I kiss her again and slide my fingers carefully into her. When I see that she wants to moan louder, I hold her mouth shut. Her body bends closer to me and her breasts press against mine.

"You have to be quiet baby." I say kissing her but don't stop softly fucking her. There is a knock at the door and Amita comes in. I pretend to sleep on her chest and slow down a bit, but I don't stop.

"Hey, how..." Lou stops and tries really hard to not make any noises.

"How can I help you." She says quickly and stops breathing for a second.

"I'm sorry, for waking you but I just wanted to ask when we start today? Because no one is up yet."

Lou wants to start talking but can't hold back her moan. She covers it smoothly with a cough. I smirk and grab her top with my teeth, which Amita can't see from her spot and I can feel that her nipples are hard.

"God are you okay, you seem sick." She asks.

"No I'm... I'm okay, we don't work Today. We talked last week about that we need at least one free day a week because we're good in time anyways and that's today." She says very quick and stops breathing again.

"Oh yeah right. I'm sorry I forgot about that. I'm so sorry for bothering you. I hope you get betters soon." She says going to the door again.

"You're never bothering, enjoy your day." She leaves and I get back up.

"She actually did bothered us didn't she?" I say while getting a little faster again and softly biting her nipple. She's so wet and moans a little louder.

"God, y/n. I really love this but you really need to stop when someone enters the room I almost..." I interrupt her.

"That made you just even more horny, be honest." I add a finger and move a little more. She gets even louder and lays her head back but on some point I just stop.

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