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y/n POV

When we are outside she gets her motorbike out of her garage and damn it's hot! She gets on and let me get on after her, my pants are a little ritzy so I inadvertently slide close to her. I see her smile in the mirror, then she starts the engine. She takes my arms and puts them around her. "Hold on tight, we don't want you to fall off."

I feel like I'm literally melting. When she takes off, I hold on to her tighter. I didn't think it would feel THAT fast. I'm numb for everything around me and forget to let go when we arrive. She takes off her helmet and I "wake up" from my bubble and quickly let go.

"I'm sorry." I blush but she just smiles and opens my helmet for me, I could've done that by myself but to feel her touch on my chin... I had goosebumps. She looks at me intensely and helps me get off the bike. I take off the helmet and look around while she opens her Jacket. I feel something on my head and turn around, she stands close to me and takes some hair where it belongs.

"Sorry, you just had there some hair and..." I interrupt her.

"Thank you" We just look at each other for bit.

"Where are we?" I ask her.

"Let's go inside and I'll tell you." We go inside the castle and no one is there.

"Are we even allowed to be here?" I look around but I can't see a sole.

"If you don't like crime, you definitely won't like the rest of our collaboration." She just smiles and we go to the end of the castle. From there you can see the water of a river. The sun is just about to set and we just stare at the sky.


"Do you like it?"

"I love it. The view is the prettiest thing I've seen in a long time."

She smiles.

"I'm glad you like it, I'm actually here pretty often, to just think about stuff and to let the day end. But I never brought someone with me, I'm relieved that you don't think I'm weird." She laughed nervously and I kinda feel the need to grab her hand, and I do so. This moment went on forever and I didn't want it to end ever but we hear something from a little further away and see the glow of a torch.

"Shit, we have to go, come on" She whispers and pulls me along with her. We run out of the building to her bike. We both start laughing in the exact same moment.

"Thank you for this, really." I'm not afraid to really look at her anymore, she just showed me her sensitive side and I don't think she does that very often. She is perfect in every conceivable way. I lost myself in her eyes, she has really beautiful eyes.

"Hey, have you heard a word I said?"

"Sorry what?"

"I guess you just zoomed out" She laughs

"Sorry yeah, what were you saying?"

"I asked you if you wanna eat out in a restaurant?" She hands me my helmet and looks at me questioningly.

"No not really, would you mind to order something? I kinda don't want to be around strangers."

"Am I not a stranger?" She raises her eyebrow.

"No, not anymore." I said with unusual determination and self-confidence. Where did that suddenly come from? She just smiles.

"Okay, get on the Bike." She says still smiling. And I get on the bike and hold her tight again.

It's pretty late when we arrive her house again. We go straight inside and I sit down on the couch.

"What do you want to eat?" she asks.

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