You Do When I Tell You To

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*Next morning*

Everyone is awake and gets to work early, each knows what they have to do and everything runs like last time. there is complete silence and everyone is focused. Lou walks around thinking, then looks around.

"Seven... wait seven?"

"What are you talking about?" Amita asks.

"I just counted.... but why seven we're supposed to be nine. Is everyone here?"

"Have you counted yourself?" Rose asks.

"Ah right, but that would be eight. One, two..."

"Where is y/n?" Daphne asks.

"Didn't anyone tell her?" Lou asks.

"I thought you would do that." Rose says.

"And I thought that you already did, however, I go get her." Lou says and goes upstairs.

y/n's POV

When I wake up I still have nothing on, I hear it knocking on my door and Lou comes into my room and closes the door. I quickly pull my blanket more over me and look at her as if none of this had just happened but she seems like she didn't even recognized that.

"I'm sorry that nobody told you a little earlier but we all meet at 9 downstairs and start working, it's kinda like a rule. And now it's 9:30 so, it would be great if you could join us, soon." She smiles. She kinda has messy hair and wears a black sheer blouse, you can see her bra well through and she has not buttoned it wide..

"Yeah of cause, god I am so sorry I didn't knew. I just need to get dressed."

"Okay, I'll wait."

"Yeah of cause. Well, Lou?"


"I'm still wearing nothing so, could you maybe turn around or something?"

"God sure, of cause I am sorry." She seems a little nervous and turns around.

"I'm so excited for this and also so nervous, this heist is really big and I really don't wanna mess anything up."

"Lou, you are definitely one of the smartest human beings I know and this is so well planed it just can't go wrong. Don't worry to much, we wont fail."

"Thank you. I really needed that, I try to stay calm down there but I'm almost shaking, I just don't trust myself."

"I trust you, we all trust you." I put on my underwear and button up my bra.

"You look really great by the way." I say to make her a little more comfortable.

"Thank you." She smiles and turns around out of reflex.

"Hey, don't look." I said, although I actually liked it a lot. However, she remains turned to me and I get a little nervous.

"Even more perfect than in my imagination." She says and grabs my waist and pulls me a little closer to her. I feel her breath on my skin and immediately get goosebumps. My belly is now touching her belt buckle and her hands move a little further to my back. Our lips are almost touching and I can feel her heat. I want this moment to last forever. I don't even feel insecure anymore because I'm only wearing my underwear, I just feel safe. Now our lips are touching and my heart is literally jumping and I have butterflies in my stomach.

"Lou? Is everything alright up their or do you need help?" Lou immediately recoils and takes her hands to herself. It did not come to a kiss. I think I hear her heart beating all the way here, or it's mine, I don't know for sure.

The Antwerp Diamond Heist (Ocean's 9)Where stories live. Discover now