The Beginning Of Forever

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"Hey, hey wake up darling. Please just open your beautiful eyes and help me." I hear Lou saying close to my ear.

"They're open, what's the matter?" I say looking at her.

"Okay look, here's the thing. I may have forgotten that I have to go to my family today because it's my dad's birthday." She says very fast.

"That's great." I respond still really tired.

"Great? Have you heard a word I said??" She's totally tensed and nervous.

"That's not the big deal, let's just go there and stay for one or two hours. If it's really as bad as you think, we can just leave."

"Oh no you're not coming with me." I sat up and looked at her.


"I really don't want to do that to you, plus it's embarrassing."I raise one eyebrow.

"You think I'd be embarrassing?"

"Oh god no, I'll be embarrassing, to you, to them, to myself. It has already started." I just take her hands and make her look at me.

"I'm sure you won't but if you're more comfortable with me staying here, I'll stay. Alright?"

"Okay." We stare at each other for a while until she gets up.

"I need to get ready." She says and gets up stressed to do this. It takes her almost three hours to get completely ready because she's walking around all the time. I've never seen her under so much pressure, not even when we robbed the diamond center. When she finished, she stood in front of me and looked at me. She does not look like her anymore, but like someone else. I mean, she is still damn good looking, but something is different than usual. I look at her for a while before she asks me to speak up.

"Do I look like a clown, are you trying to stifle your laughter right now?" She asks and wants to start walking around again

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"Do I look like a clown, are you trying to stifle your laughter right now?" She asks and wants to start walking around again.

"Hey no, no. You look fine, just a little different."

"Good, different is good."

"No, but why do you want to be someone else?"

"Because they want me to be someone else, and they already think I'm someone else so, I'll just be someone else to them then. They already think this version of me is a catastrophe, what would they think if they would know how I really am, and what I do. Oh god they would hate me so much."

"They wouldn't. It's not even possible to hate you darling."

"My mom did."

"I'm sure she did not. Calm down now, everything will be fine." She calms down and looks at me. I see the fear in her eyes and take her hands.

"I'm coming with you. No rebuttal" I see how she wants to start arguing against it but I interrupt her immediately.

"No. Don't even try." I set her on the bed and quickly change and get ready. I do not look as good as her but still acceptable.

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