What Is The Point Of All This?

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(This chapter contains some pictures)

*5 a.m. next morning*

y/n POV

These time zones really suck, in eastern Bulgaria, where me and Rose lived for a while, it would already be two hours later. But here I am obviously the only one who is wide awake. I put on Lou's shirt, because I have absolutely no desire to put on something proper yet, since no one is awake anyway. so I wear nothing but underwear and the shirt and go downstairs to have some breakfast. I look for something to eat and find some cereal. I open the fridge to take out some yogurt and when I close the door, Lou is standing next to me. I'm scared to death and drop the yogurt, which she catches somehow.

"Good morning, I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry." She hands me the yogurt back.

"Thanks" I say still in shock and put the yogurt on the table.

"Where are the bowls?" She points to the top cupboard and smirks a little. WHY DIDN'T I PUT ON ANY PANTS?! I just look up.

"Shall I help you with that?"

"No I can do that on my own, thank you." She leans back and looks at me. Ugh fuck it. I stand on my tiptoes and stretch towards the shelf. I can practically feel her gaze.

"No time to put some shorts on?" She bites her lower lip lightly and looks me up and down. God I want her so bad in this moment.

"You forgot to give me some I guess."

"Lucky me..." She looks strict into my eyes and I am just sort of panicking.

"Do you want some?" I point to the yogurt.

"No thank you, I am not hungry for that." She says still looking right into my eyes.

"Lou!" I hear from upstairs.

"Don't eyefuck my niece." Rose comes down the stairs and Lou looks away immediately.

"I wasn't... we just talked."

"Mhm, then why does she looks like a tomato?" I blush even more when Rose said that.

"I need to go and get the others." Lou says kinda in a rush to get away from us.

"God I need to change my outfit before the others come and see me like this..." I'm about to go but Rose grabs my arm and holds me back gently.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" She looks really serious, I've never seen her like this before.

"Yeah sure, what is it?"

"Look, I've had good contact with Lou for the past six months, so I know that she recently got out of a very serious relationship. The break-up has really affected her and I'm a little worried. I really don't want any of you to get hurt."

"How serious?"

"They were best friend for forever before they became a couple. They know each other since they were like 10."

"Do you know anything about her, is it over, do they still have contact?"

"It's not really my business to tell you that."

"Rose, you can't just start something and then just block it off. I think I have the right to know that."


"What about her?"

"Debbie is her ex girlfriend, so yes they still have contact and I know a lot about her and I am not sure if it's completely over."

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