Every Detail

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Rose's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night. I'm still half asleep and look for Daphne with my hand. When I don't feel her next to me, I remember and become sad. I take my phone and text her.

Daphne's POV

I wake up to the ringing of my phone and look to see who is texting me this late. When I see that it's Rose, my first impulse is to put the phone away, but then I see what she writes.

I miss you, please let's fix this.

Rose I'm tired do we have to talk about this now?

Yes, I don't wanna waist another minute. I thought about what I can do since I saw you kissing that guy and I figured something out. Can I come over?

Even if I said no, you'd still come, right?

I'll be there in a minute.

I put my phone aside and put some clothes on. One minute later Rose knocks on my door and I open it.

"Hey" She says.

"Hey, I'm sorry you shouldn't have seen this. I stopped him."

"Yeah I know darling." She gets in and we stand in that big room only with the light of the stars outside.

"You look beautiful" I say and stare at her eyes sparkling.

"Honey don't. I really need to say that." We sit down together and she looks at me very serious, what's kind of sexy. It really is to late to think straight.

"Okay, I'll listen." She smiles at me briefly and starts explaining her point.

"Look. I'll not stop working completely. It is not only a job for me but also my hobby. I know I get exhausting and stressed when I work but it's just kinda my destiny to do that. But I love you and I don't want to lose you under any circumstances so I have decided that I will work at most one or two hours a day. Then my stress level will come lower and I'll have more time to spend with you."

"That really sounds like a plan I can live with. Maybe we get you your own office at home." I smile and just be happy that I have her back. We still have two more days to spend in the hotel before we start and we prepare ourselves mentally for the whole situation. I am so nervous, even though I have participated in a crime before, I have never been there from the very beginning, so it is new territory for me as well. One day before it really starts, we all meet again at Lou's and sit together in front of the white screen on which she streams the plan again with all the details.

Lou's POV

I turn on the streamer and it's complete silence. Everyone is highly concentrated and we really are not allowed to make any mistakes starting now.

"So in total we steal more or less 400 million euros. However, we do not steal only banknotes or only diamonds. We break into the Antwerp World Diamond Center to break open the lockers and steal their contents, then sell them and collect the proceeds. There is an important tennis match tomorrow, so it will be very empty in general. Also, the CEO of this center is getting married and most of the employees will be there and emergency staff will be hired. We, or rather some of us, will pretend to be exactly this staff, for which Rose and Y/N have made us matching outfits, identical to those of the real workers. We mingle with each other at shift changes. Daphne and Amita come in one van and I, Rose and Y/N in the other, the others go through the main entrance. The trucks can pass through the underground car park without identification and everyone coming through the main entrance is safe, since 9 ball has tampered with the cameras. Also, to be on the safe side, we'll take the surveillance tapes with us later. Are there any questions before I go on?"

The Antwerp Diamond Heist (Ocean's 9)Where stories live. Discover now