Episode 17

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PoV: Vanilla

I turned the corner after dropping Cream and Cheese off to their school. They were excited for their classes as they always where.

"Oh that's right," I stopped as I found myself in front of a tent selling watermelons, "The farmer's market is open today. I'm should get groceries. I'm sure Sonic won't mind waiting for me a while longer. I'll bring him something delicious to cheer him up," I parked my car and took out my portable cart for the groceries. I'll have to hurry if I want to tease him more than usual.


The market was full as ever. I found the most wonderfully sweet smelling peaches. I couldn't wait to bake a cobbler with them.

"Oh dear!" I had completely lost track of time. I checked my wrist watch, it was nearly noon! "I'll only have a little time for him between the household chores and cooking. The poor dear has only had breakfast."

I hurried back to my car and drove home immediately. I needed to get everything clean so I'd have time to play with Cream and help her with homework after school.

"Sonic, I'm home~" I opened the door and brought the groceries in, "Sonic?"

"Oh..." I saw Amy's boots by the door, "Sonic? Amy? Where are you two?"

I looked around and found everything spotlessly clean, "That's strange. Are they cleaning up? A well done job."

I paused when I checked the kitchen. The stool was knocked over and the cookies I baked were all over the floor in pieces. The boxes in the cabinets had all fallen over in place. Someone fell here.

"Only Vanilla can touch me!"

That was when I walked into my bedroom, acting as if I couldn't sense something was wrong. I was met with a sight that froze me. Sonic's tears were the first thing I noticed... His hands bound to the bed... Amy's placement on his body... her hands on his- That's not his... Where are- I spotted the underwear I made Sonic besides him. But is he- I looked where Amy was disgustingly rubbing her garments on his body. Sonic was no where close to an erection. He's not enjoying what she's doing.

Utter rage was all I could say to describe the emotion within me. She couldn't answer a single question. I grabbed Amy and dragged her out of my room.

"Wait! Vanilla! I can explain!" She struggled as I pulled her back to the door.

"Fine, what explanation can you give me for your actions?" I held her over her boots.

"I..." she starred to cry, "I don't have one..."

"I expect a letter in the mail with your full apology. Sonic won't be going back to school for another week. I've decided he needs time to recover, and you need time to cool off. Goodbye Amy. I do hope you never behave this way again," I set her outside and handed her the boots. Finally I shut and locked the door.

"Sonic," I ran to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Then I went back to the bedroom and found Sonic pulling against the rope, "Don't do that sweetheart. You'll get rope burn."

"Vanilla..." he wasn't crying tears anymore, but his voice was still horse and quivering.

"Shh, baby. I've got you," I cut the rope with a pair of scissors and picked him up. She had forced him to wear her disgusting underwear, "Chaos what did she put on you?"

"It feels... gross..." Sonic sniffled.

"I know, she was too much," I carefully carried him to the bathroom.

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