Episode 4

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PoV: Vanilla

I carried Sonic into the house after he fell asleep on the drive. I laid him in my bed so he could nap and shut the door to my room. I was undecided, I wasn't sure what I could do to help him relax, I had never had a son so I could only think of so much.

"We'll start slow, it's no good to scare them off after all," I turned on the oven and began to make some cookies for a start. I had a nice plan set, and a few little treats for me in each one, "This will be fun. Ah, I have to do his laundry, a boy needs more than one pair of underwear. Good thing I got him two new packs."

I let Sonic sleep until the cookies were ready. I took a few on a plate into the room. Sonic was still sound asleep. His face had pure innocence written all over it, I rubbed his ear a bit, it was hard to resist spoiling him with attention.

"This isn't good, naughty boy~ You'll get the attention of other girls being this cute," I poked his nose, "Time for a snack."

"...mm..." he reached his hand out my way and held onto my sleeve. His eyes weren't open yet, he was too tired to recognize his actions, "... good... morning... ..."

"I made you cookies, come enjoy them," I ran my fingers through his quills.

"... ...cookies..." he pulled my hand under the blanket, "...cold..."

"Come on," I picked him up and he held onto me, he nuzzled into my chest and clenched my shirt. He was practically cuddling my breasts, "My my. What am I going to do with you sleepy boy?"

"Cookies..." he yawned, completely nuzzled into my breasts.

"I know, I know," I picked one up off the tray since the plate was back in the room, "Sonic~"

"Mm..." he was refusing to lift his head.

"Say aww~" I sat down on the couch with him in my lap.

"Mm..." he opened one eye and turned his head, "Ah~"

  I fed him the cookie and he started purring, "You're being spoiled today."

  I fed him cookies for a moment and he finally stretched and yawned after the fourth cookie.

"Hm?" His eyes were finally open.

"Good nap?" I smiled.

  His face went completely red, "AH!" He fell out of my arms and backed away completely flustered, "I'm sorry! I didn't realize what I was doing!"

"You're so much more peaceful when you're sleepy," I stood up and opened the bathroom door, "Come on, let's start your bath."

"My bath?"

"Yes," I smiled seeing him so curious, "A special bath."


"Just. For. You."


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