Episode 9

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PoV: Sonic

I was trapped. Vanilla said she wanted to help me feel better, this was the last thing I had in mind.

"Hold still," she placed the cold cloth against my chest. She had pulled the pink Jacket up to expose my chest. The black leggings were pulled down around my knees, I couldn't move well as she held me tight.

"D-don't... it's too cold..." I tried to move away but she just squeezed me to keep me still.

"It's only to cool you down," she licked my ear, my body was shaking... I couldn't tell if it was because of the cold or her hands.

"Ah!" I felt the cold fabric between my legs, "Not there..."

"You feel especially warm here," she forced my member out of hiding and started rubbing it with the cold, wet cloth.

"Stop... it's too cold..." I was shivering.

"Hm? Well would you look at that," Vanilla held me tighter.

I looked down as I noticed her smile. I was hard?!

"Its not what you think! It just gets that way when it's cold! It's a reaction! My body does on its own," I panicked as I tried to explaing to her.

"Oh? Then this shouldn't feel good," she started moving her hand again.

"Mm..." I bit my tongue to keep quiet.

"You're not very good at hiding your emotions," she bit down on my ear, it took everything to keep myself from moaning. "Bad boy hiding your sounds from me."

"A-haaa~ nyaa~♡!" I lost control of my voice when her tongue started sucking on my ear while she moved her hand with a tighter grip. I felt it... my body couldn't hold it anymore... "Aaahaaa~♡!!!"

I was panting. I had cum right into the cloth. I collapsed against her body and she let my ear go.

"The towel is so heavy now, you filled it up," Vanilla still had a large smile on her face.

"Mmph!" She pushed part of the cloth into my mouth. I tried to push it away but she didn't budge.

"Drink up," she laughed as I was forced to swallow everything that spilled into my mouth. It was cold and warm... the mixture of my own cum with ice water...

"Good boy," she pulled it away and I coughed from having to suddenly drink from it, "You feel nice and cool now," she pulled the jacket down and the leggings back up.

Why?! Why does she keep touching me this way?!

I felt humiliated... Vanilla talked to me like a child and yet she did this.

"Sonic~ time for breakfast," she picked me up.

"Wait, Vanilla I can walk!" I struggled to get her to put me down. I caught a glance at the clock as she carried me away. It was only nine thirty in the morning!

"We still have a whole day to make sure you rest and recover," Vanilla put me down on the couch and kissed me. I couldn't push her tongue out of my mouth, "Now let's get some food into the little belly of yours."

It was only morning, I was trapped here until I was allowed to go back to school. I had a feeling this was real reason she wanted me to stay with her. I just had to hope the house was rebuilt soon. I didn't know how long I could survive living with her.

I need to make sure I survive until the house is done.


"Yes?" I jumped as Vanilla was suddenly behind me.

"You look worried. You need me to help you relax?" She held me.

"No I'm alright!" My voice cracked into an emberassing high pitch. What the hell was that?!

"You're too cute for your own good," Vanilla poked my cheek.

I hate being cute...

"I need a job..." I groaned.

"I would gladly pay you to work for me," Vanilla smiled.

"I think getting a job might be a better idea."

If I work for her who knows what she'll do to me.

"I'll get you anything you want if you work for me. I'll give you all the money you want," She pulled me onto her lap, "All you'd have to is live here and let me spoil you."

"I'm okay Vanilla..." this topic was making me nervous, "Besides theres no way you could really pay me. You already have Cream to take care of."

"That's not true. I make plenty of money selling my sweets and hand made clothes," she pulled on the string of the jacket.

"No thank you!" I managed to escape, "I'm gonna make myself something to eat."

I ran to the kitchen the opened the fridge to pretend to look for something to eat.

That was close... I'm sure I was in a danger zone... What am I supposed to do... there's no room at Knuckle's place. Amy is probrably worse than Vanilla, if she caught me I don't think I'd see sunlight again. Rouge's place... Shadow would kill me first. I'M SERIOUSLY STUCK HERE!!!

I was trapped... I had no where to go. With the money I spent on the house I couldn't afford an apartment or motel. I was really trapped here until the house was done... that wasn't for a year at the soonest!

I cracked an egg into a pan I had warmed up with butter.

"Let me do that for you," Vanilla grabbed me.

"I'm okay, I can do it myself," I held the spatula to flip the egg.

"You aren't only going to eat an egg are you?" Vanilla let me go, "You need a full breakfast."

"I'm okay with just the egg..." I couldn't even cook for myself.

"No, little boys need their strength. Go sit and wait. I'll make you something good," she pushed me out of the kitchen.

"I'm not little..." I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" Vanilla called from the kitchen.

"N-nothing!" I blurted out.

That was close... I forgot about her hearing... Tails, it's scary living here...

You so lucky you get to have fun.

"Breakfast~" Vanilla called me. I walked in to find that she had made my egg, waffles, and a parfait, "Eat up."

"Thank you for the meal," I started to eat. I guess this isn't to bad, just so long as she doesn't keep touching me.

"After you eat we'll have some fun together," Vanilla rubbed my shoulders, "After all, we both need a shower."

I was wrong! This is torture!!!


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