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Vince insists that Brian is a cop. Apparently, he was following Brian and saw him sneak in and out of Hector's garage. He knocked Brian out with the butt of a rifle and then dragged him to the junkyard. Dom stands there arms crossed over his chest.

"He moans like a cop," Vince remarks.

Brian holds his hands up as Vince points the gun at him.

"Brian, this is one of those times you need to be clear about what you say. Nod if you understand me," Dom says.

"Nod!" Vince shouts.

Brian nods his head slightly.

"Sit up," Dom tells him. Brian does as he's told, Vince still pointing the gun at him. "Tell me what the hell you're doing down here."

"Oh, shit. What I'm doing?" Brian says while panting. "Dom. I don't... I owe you a 10-second car. And what this is about, this is about Race Wars." Vince knocks Brian over with a kick. "I just went in there, and Hector is gonna be runnin'... three Honda Civics with Spoon engines. And on top of that, he just came into Harry's, and he ordered three T66 turbos, with NOS... and a MoTeC system exhaust."

"So, what are you saying?" Dom asks. "You're gonna go around and check everybody's shit out, one garage after another?"

"Yeah." Brian stands up tentatively. "Because, Dom, you know... I can't lose again."

"He's a cop," Vince insists. Dom doesn't say anything. "He's a cop!"

"You a cop?" Dom asks. Brian shakes his head. "Let's go for a little ride."

"Walk!" Vince shouts at Brian.

Dom gets Jesse to drive us all to T&K Food Market. It's where Johnny Tran and his crew have their garage.

"All right, kid, stand watch," Dom tells Jesse.

Dom looks like he wants to protest my involvement but I'm already over the fence before he can argue. We climb up onto the roof and down through one of the skylights. Dom helps me down off the hood of a car.

"Yo, Dominic. There's no engines," Vince tells him.

He's right the hoods are off the cars and the engines are missing.

"What are they plannin' on racing with? Hopes and dreams?" I remark.

"I don't know, but I know they're sneaky as shit and they've got enough money to buy anything," Vince states.

Dom's phone goes off. "What Jesse?"

"All right, we got company. Spilner," Dom says.

He grabs onto me as the lights come on. We rush to hide towards the back of the garage behind a few cars. Motorcycles followed by two black cars pull in. They pull a middle-aged white guy from one of the cars.

Lance, Johnny Tran' cousin, points his gun at him. "Come on. Move!"

"Let me ask you a question, Ted. Do you see anything wrong here?" Johnny asks.

"No," the man, Ted, answers.

Johnny grabs Ted by the back of the neck and pushes his head down towards the car. "We got no engines, do we?"

"No!" Ted shouts.

"Do we?" Johnny asks.

"No!" Ted repeats.

"A couple of Nissan SR20 motors will pull a premium one week before Race Wars, huh?" Johnny remarks.

"Yeah, probably," Ted agrees.

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now