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Han is trying once again to beat the cameras.

"Close, but not enough," Gisele tells him.

"Dom, the window is too small, man. Only way we're going to beat the cameras is with invisible cars," Han offers.

"And I know just where to get them," Dom tells him. "Let's take a ride."

Dom's grand plan is to steal cop cars. Gisele drives the van as Dom, Brian, Rome, and I climb out. We hop over a fence into the car lot. We each get into one of the cars and pull off the lot. Dom, Brian, and I stop at a red light.

"It's been a while since I've been behind the wheel of one of these," Brian states.

"First time I've ever been in the front seat," Dom jokes.

Rome finally pulls up beside me.

"Rome, what took you so long? I thought for sure you'd be showing up with some chrome spinners or something," Brian teases.

Rome laughs before getting serious. "Real funny." Rome holds up the radio for the speaker. "I got $100,000 that says I can take you all in the next quarter-mile."

"Yeah, your broke ass has got a hundred grand," I tease.

"We pull off this job, I will. The next two lights. Hundred thousand," Rome says.

"We don't pull this job off, we're probably dead anyway. Let's make it a million," I offer.

"I like that. All right, a million-dollar quarter-mile," Brian states.

"All right, then," I say.

"You only live once," Rome remarks. "Let's do it."

"What do you say, Dom?" Brian asks.

"We talking or we racing?" Dom asks.

"Just don't cheat this time," Brian tells him.

"You gotta let that go," Dom tells him.

Never thought I'd be racing a million dollar quarter mile in a cop car. Probably one of the stupidest things we've ever done just for the hell of it.

Rome goes before the light changes lights on. Typical, Roman. The road goes down to two lanes as cars line both sides of the street. Rome is in the lead followed by Brian, Rome, and I. Dom races between Brian and Rome with me on his tail.

The road widens again and all four of us are neck and neck. With no NOS all I can do is shift the clutch and step on the gas. Brian crosses the line a split second before Dom followed by me and then Rome.

We pull into the warehouse with the cars. I smile at Dom and Brian.

"Good race, O'Conner," Dom tells him.

Brian smiles. "Thanks, Dom."

Dom and I head off to bed. After changing into pajamas I lay with my head on Dom's chest.

"You let Brian win didn't you?" I ask.

"Yeah," Dom tells me.

"Why?" I question.

"He's gonna have a family. He could use the money," Dom tells me.

"That's fair," I tell him.

"And why did you let off the throttle?" Dom asks.

I smile. "'Cause Brian is gonna have a family."

Dom laughs as he kisses my head. "I love you, Babygirl."

"Love you to," I tell him before closing my eyes.

Rome, Brian, and I are checking the cop cars over. Mia walks in followed by Vince. Brian stands up ready to swing on Vince.

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now