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Dom and I have been driving for weeks. It's been a different town or city every night. We don't want to stay too long and attract attention. It's been five years since LA, I've forgotten what it's like to be on the run.

Dom looks over at me. "What are you reading?"

"Travel guide," I tell him.

"Yeah?" Dom asks.

I nod. "Tokyo. Moscow. Goa. And you want to know what all of these places have in common?"

"Huh?" Dom asks.

I smile. "No extradition."

Dom smiles. "Yeah? And where do you wanna go?"

I shrug my shoulders as I move towards him. "I don't know." I put my hand on Dom's thigh. "So long as you're with me." I trail kisses up his neck. "I don't care."

After what feels like an eternity Dom and I finally arrive in a favela in Rio. Vince is the one to greet us. I'm not too happy to hear Brian and Mia are on their way to a job orchestrated by him. Something easy he said. Just stealing a few cars off a train. We were supposed to be keeping a low profile. Stealing cars is not very low profile.

With the rest of Vince's crew we pull a flatbed up to the train. They cut a whole in the train to get the cars out. Standing there are Mia and Brian.

"Look who showed up," Vince teases.

Mia pulls Dom into a hug. "God, I'm so happy you're okay."

"I thought I told you to lay low," Dom tells Brian.

"Been running on fumes," Brian explains. "Had to make a call."

"Hey! Quit talking," Zizi, one of Vince's crew, tells us. "We only got the two-minute window."

"Let's go, Vince," Dom tells him.

Vince gets into the first car.

"I'm taking the GT40," Zizi says. He turns to shout at the guy on the truck.

The car Vince got into is pulled from the train onto the fabled. Then the flatbed is tipped back so he can drive off. Zizi goes to get the GT40 but Dom stops him.

"Ladies first," Dom states.

Mia goes to get into the car. When she does one of the guys, another of Vince's guys goes to stop her. Brian holds him back.

"Hey!" Brian protests.

"Hey!" Mia shouts. "Este auto me queda mejor. (This car fits me better.)"

The guy looks to Zizi who gestures with his head. Mia pulls the car up.

"See you, baby," Brian tells her.

Zizi and the other guy are talking as they hook the car up to get it off the train.

Dom opens the door and leans into the GT40. "Change of plans. Wait for my call." He closes the door before hitting the hood of the car. "Let's go!"

The car is pulled out of the train and then lowered like Vince's. Instead of following the route Vince took Mia turns around and floors it in the direction we came from.

"Where is she going?" Zizi asks. "Where is she going?"

Zizi pulls a gun and points it at Dom. Dom grabs his arm and shoves him to the floor. Brian grabs a hold of the other guy.

"Go after the girl!" Zizi shouts at the other guys. "Hurry up!"

Brian jumps out onto the still angled flatbed. He barely stays on gripping onto a rope.

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now