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I stand with Brian, Tej, and Rome at Han's funeral. Dom is paying his respects over Han's casket.

"I can't do no more funerals," Rome states.

"First Han. Now Hobbs is laid up, of all people," Tej says. "We're being hunted. You know he's out there somewhere watching, right?"

"I hope so. Means he's close," Brian reasons.

"Just promise me, Brian, no more funerals," Rome says.

"Just one more. His," Brian says.

I spot Dom walking away. He grabs my hand, and we rush to his car. Dom is chasing another car through the cemetery.

"It's him," I say. "Isn't it?"

Dom follows the car out of the cemetery weaving in and out of traffic. Dom runs a red light, so he doesn't lose him in the traffic. We follow the car into a parking garage. I can see Deckard Shaw is in the driver's seat.

Dom and Shaw rev their engines. Both cars head straight for each other. I know neither is going to yield. Our car hits Shaw's head on. All the times we've gotten into car accidents, and it still hurts. Dom and Shaw both step out of their cars.

"You never should have messed with a man's family," Shaw states.

"I told your brother the same thing," Dom states. "Reinforced your chassis. It's like going into a ring with weighted gloves."

"Your mistake," Shaw states. "I'm not here to play games. See, you and me, we're from different worlds. Trust me, I've seen a lot meaner streets than the ones you're used to."

Dom holds a sledgehammer in his hand. "Stick around. It's gonna get a lot meaner."

Shaw points his gun at Dom. "You thought this was gonna be a street fight?"

Suddenly people repel from the ceiling shooting at Shaw. Dom looks at me making sure I'm alright.

"On the ground. Now!"

Dom responds by hitting the guy in the gut with the sledgehammer. He grabs another guy in a chokehold. I get out of the car trying to get to Dom.

"Drop him or I will drop you!"

"Whoa, whoa. Easy, guys." A man in a nice suit and sunglasses walks towards us. "We're on the same team here. Mr. Toretto Mrs. Toretto, I'm here on the recommendation of a mutual friend of ours. Mr. Hobbs."

"Who the hell are you?" Dom asks.

"Me? I'm just a guy. I'm Mr. Nobody," the man tells us.

"It's a big entrance for a nobody," I remark.

"And the guy that put our mutual friend in the hospital?" Dom asks. "You just let him get away."

"I think I might have just saved your ass there, Dom," Mr. Nobody says. Dom tightens his hold on the guy. "Listen, you think you could let go of my guy there? He's beginning to turn a little blue." Dom reluctantly lets the guy go. "I appreciate that. Ah, here they come." I hear police sirens in the distance. "Listen, Dom. There's a war going on between shadows and ghosts like me. You and your team unwittingly walked into the middle of it in London, and it appears it's now followed you home. It's up to you. I'm gonna have a beer. You're welcome to join me. By the way, I can get you Deckard Shaw."

That is enough for Dom and me to go with Mr. Nobody. He takes us to a covert operations base.

"Belgian ale." Mr. Nobody holds up the pint. "Oh, man, those monks got it right. I mean, I don't know about the whole celibacy thing, but when it comes to beer... Would you like one?"

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now