4.9K 112 7

After what feels like hours the truck stops. We're led into a warehouse. Everyone leans on the hood of their cars waiting.

Gisele walks in. "Welcome to Mexico, boys." A bunch of goons bring large cases in, putting them in the trunks of our cars. "There are helicopters and surveillance cameras that scan for heat signatures at the border. But there are blind spots that I can guide you through via satellite. There can be no margin of error, so you must follow my every direction. Any questions?"

"I thought Fenix was gonna be here," Dom states.

"He'll meet you out there," Gisele tells him. "All right, everybody, sync up. Good luck." She walks past Dom. "Vios con dios."

We're in the middle of the desert in Mexico. We drive one behind the other closely.

I can hear Gisele over the radio, "Satellite linkup engaged. Keep proceeding northbound at current speed." A car speeds out in front of us. "Stay close to Fenix. He'll lead you across."

We race through the desert towards the border.

"Hurry it up. You guys have been tagged," Gisele warns.

I spot Dom leaving the formation.


"Toretto, get back in formation," Gisele tells him.

We head through what seems like an old mine shaft.

"They're sending a helicopter. You have 30 seconds," Gisele warns.

We race through the mine's winding tunnels.

"The window is closing fast. You need to get out of there before they send ground support.," Gisele tells us. "Fifteen seconds."

I try to ignore Gisele and focus on the cars in front of me and not hitting a support beam.

"You're running out of time. You need to get out now!" Gisele tells us.

We make it out of the mine in the nick of time. We start through the desert on the US side. We stop in front of the rest of Fenix's men.

"Sloppy! Very sloppy!" Fenix shouts.

The men start to take the cases from the trunks of the cars.

"What are you doing, man? Come on. Get out," a guy tells Dom.

Hesitantly I get out of my car as Brian and Dom do the same thing.

The guy keeps pushing Dom. "Come on, man. Come on, today, man. Come on, let's go."

"Hey, don't touch me. Hey, don't touch me, man!" Malik shouts at a guy. He walks towards Fenix. "Yo, man, what's up with your boy?"

Fenix cocks a gun and points it at Malik.

"Hey, boss man!" Dom shouts.

"What did you say?" Fenix asks.

"I said only pussies run nitrometh," Dom states.

"You looked under my hood?" Fenix asks. He steps towards Dom. "I'm talking to you. Got something on your mind?"

"'70 Plymouth. Her name was Letty," Dom says. "And somebody wrecked her car."

"I wrecked her car," Fenix admits. "You remember her face? Huh? 'Cause I don't. Last time I saw it, it was burning. Now what?"

"I'm going to enjoy what happens next," Dom tells him.

Suddenly one car explodes, setting off a chain reaction. I'm thrown off my feet landing on my side on the ground. Brian grabs a gun and starts shouting at Fenix's men. One tries to go for Dom but he takes him out.

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now