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My ass is dragged out to California with Brian to get this Roman Pearce guy. I sit in the bleachers at a demolition derby with Brian and Bilkins. One of the cars is sent through the concrete barrier by another.

"Hi-oh! What..." Bilkins shouts as he moves out of the way.

I laugh lightly. "That's your boy in the Monte Carlo?"

Brian nods. "Yeah, that's him. Yeah, he's got some skills."

"Mm-hmm," Bilkins hums.

"And he's crazy as hell, I'm telling ya. In a good way though. He's the man for the job," Brian assures.

Bilkins pulls out a notepad. "He's got quite a record, including three years upstate. Says here he's on house arrest now. Can't go more than 100 yards from his home."

After flipping the last remaining car Pearce gets out of his. He waves to the crowd as he smiles.

"He always said he'd be famous," Brian remarks.

"Pearce!" Brian calls out to him as we follow him out of the derby. "Roman Pearce!" Brian turns to Bilkins. "Yo, whatever happens next, just let it go."

Bilkins throws his hands up. "I ain't in it."

Brian whistles. "Rome!"

Pearce finally stops walking and turns to face Brian. "Only my homeboys call me Rome, pig!" He spits on the ground.

"I'm not a cop anymore, bro," Brian tells him.

"Is that true?" Roman asks as he starts to walk towards Brian. "Blondie here's not a cop anymore?"

Bilkins smiles slightly. "That's true. No badge."

Pearce stops for a moment before punching Brian.

"Here we go," I tease.

I laugh as Pearce and Brian start to wrestle with one another.

"You still fight like shit. You still fight like shit..." Brian taunts.

People have started to gather to watch the two. Bilkins has taken on himself to sit in a chair out front of the nearby camper.

"You better chill," Brian warns.

Pearce has Brian pinned. "What the hell are you doin' here, O'Conner?"

"I'll choke you," Brian warns.

"I told you to stay away from..." Pearce starts. He punches Brian in the face.

"You should've told me," Brian says.

The two of them are twisted up like a pretzel.

"I did three years, Brian," Pearce states before punching him in the back.

"I told you it wasn't my fault," Brian insists.

Pearce finally let's go of Brian. "Why did you come here, O'Conner?"

Brian sits up. "I got a deal for you."

"When I needed your ass, you were nowhere to be found. Now you tryin' to hand out deals?" Pearce stands up.

Brian blocks him from walking away. "I need you to come to Miami and drive with me. If you do, they'll take off that anklet and they'll clear your entire record."

"I did three years in jail. Three years in jail off you, Brian. I know you better than you think," Pearce tells him.

"Maybe you don't. Maybe you don't," Brian offers.

"You guys finished?" Bilkins asks.

"This deal legit?" Pearce asks him.

"That's right, if you do this job for us," Bilkins assures.

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now