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Ramsey is in the car with Brian. The rest of us are trailing behind them. Dom is the only one off on his own going after Shaw.

"Guys, they're here," Tej warns.

"How many cars?" I ask.

"Uh, none. And that's kind of the problem," Tej tells me.

I look in the side mirror and see a helicopter behind us.

"Okay, let's give them the tour. Break on my mark," Brian tells us. "Three, two, one. Go!"

We all break off in different directions.

"Ramsey, start the hack," Tej instructs.

"Initiating. Now," Ramsey tells him.

"Football's hot! I need to lateral! Rome, where are you?" Brian asks.

"Running back charging in," Rome tells him.

"Meet me on Third and Spring," Brain instructs.

"You got it," Rome assures.

"Brian, they took out the tower," Tej tells us. "I'm seeing half a dozen cell towers between Sixth and State. Brian, if you can get to the top of any one of those buildings around there, we can reroute the signal manually and finish the job."

"I'm on it," Brian tells him.

"Toni, the football's on fire!" Rome tells me. "We need help!"

"Hang on! I'm coming!" I tell him.

I rush to pick Ramsey up. I get to her but leave Rome and Tej on foot.

"Gotta get out of here. It's on your trail and it's coming fast," Rome warns.

"Got it," I tell him.

"So, if this car goes down, who's coming to save us?" Ramsey asks.

"Save us, honey?" I ask.

"We're it," Letty tells her.

"Where are we headed, Tej?" Brian asks.

"There's a service elevator past the maintenance sector. It'll take you directly up to the repeater," Tej tells him. "Brian, you gotta hurry!"

"It's coming back," Ramsey warns.

"We'll lose them in the tunnel," I tell her.

The drone fires and hits the back end of the car. I manage to keep control. The drone continues to fire at us.

"I can't shake this thing!" I shout.

As we come out from the tunnel something comes from above and takes out the drone. I see that it's an ambulance. And out from the windshield comes Hobbs.

"No way," I remark.

Hobbs shoots the drone making sure it's broken.

"Hey, did you bring the cavalry?" I ask.

"Woman, I am the cavalry," Hobbs tells me.

I laugh. "Of course, you are."

"Who is that?" Ramsey asks.

"That's Hobbs," I tell her.

"I'm at the repeater," Brian tells Tej.

"The access cable's in the base. Just plug it into your phone and Ramsey will be back online," Tej explains.

"Ramsey, go," Brian tells her.

"Brian did it. We're back in," Ramsey tells me. "We've got God's Eye back."

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now