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We pull back up to the mansion package in hand. Verone is there waiting for us. Brian hands the package to him.

"Hey, man, you got somethin'to eat up in there? We hungry," Rome remarks.

Verone whispers to Monica before walking off.

"Nice," Monica says. "Come on."

We follow after her.

"What you checking her out for?" Rome asks Brian.

"I'm not checking her out," Brian insists.

Monica leads us to a table by the pool. It's covered in food.

"Yes, you were," Rome argues.

"No, I wasn't," Brian insists.

"I seen you checkin' her out, man," Rome states.

"Okay, I was. Now shut up," Brian tells him.

"You shut up," Rome argues. "Don't tell me to shut up."

"You're both getting on my nerves," I tell them.

Monica walks over towards us. "Both you girlies shut up. Unbelievable."

"You sure are cozy in this big ol' mansion," Rome remarks. "Sleepin' with the enemy."

Monica smiles as Verone walks towards the table.

Brian goes to stand up, but Verone stops him, "No, no, no. Sit down."

"Nice Ferrari you got in the driveway," Brian tells him.

"I'm glad you like it." Verone pours out what was in the envelope. He gives the empty envelope to Monica. "Darlin', will you hold that?" He opens a case pulling out a cigar.

"We did all that for a damn cigar?" I question.

"No, you did that for a job," Verone tells us. "Do you really think that I would let somebody impound my car? The boatyard's mine. Oh, by the way, you three owe me a gate. But I'll just take it off your cut."

Rome laughs. "Off our cut. Yeah. I like that."

"Good," Verone says.

"What's this job you got for us anyway?" Rome asks.

"Come with me," Verone tells us. He leads us away from the house. "The house has ears in it. I have something I want you to carry from North Beach to the Keys."

"What is it?" Brian asks.

"Just put in the car what I tell you to, drive it to me and don't let anyone stop you, understand?" Verone tells him.

"Yeah. Any chance of cop trouble?" Brian asks.

"No. I'm buying you a window of time, but it's not gonna be open very long. You make it, and I'll personally hand you 100 Gs at the finish line," Verone tells us.

"Make it 100 G's a piece, papi," Rome challenges. "Look, man, obviously, your pockets ain't nervous." Rome goes to touch Verone's pocket and he swats him away.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't ever touch me," Verone warns.

"Ours are empty. Like I said, we hungry," Rome states.

"I got an idea. Why don't you three join us at the club a little later tonight?" Verone offers.

"Yeah. Pearl at midnight?" Monica says.

Verone looks me right in the eyes. "We'll get to know each other a little better."

"All right. Sounds good," Brian tells him before shaking his hand.

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now