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By the time we get to the warehouse Vince is dead. Dom is saying his goodbyes.

He walks back towards all of us with a purpose in his step. "We need to move. We don't have that much time."

"I got us a flight out. We can leave Rio in the rearview in the next five hours," Han tells him.

"Not to run away," Dom says. "To finish the job."

"Are you crazy, Dom?" Gisele asks. "We can't."

"It's a suicide mission," Rome insists. "That's your man over there on the table. The plan is busted! This is bullshit, man. Reyes knows we're coming!"

"He's right. They tripled the detail at the police station. It's going to be a wall of gunfire," Tej informs us.

"Reyes doesn't get away with this," Dom states.

"It's a trap, man. You know that," Han insists.

"Dom, listen to them. Run, before it's too late. Leave Rio. You can be free," Elena tells him.

"Running ain't freedom," I tell her. "You should know that."

"You know you're all free to make your own choices," Dom states before he starts to walk away.

"I'm in," Hobbs says. We all look at him confused and surprised. "I'll ride with you, Toretto. At least until we kill that son of a bitch."

"So what's the plan, Dom?" Brian asks. "We can't just go sneaking around anymore."

"We don't sneak. The only thing he cares about is his money. We pull that, we pull him," Dom states.

With the new plan in place we get a move on.

We follow behind Hobbs and Elena in the armored SUV. Brian is in one of the stolen Chargers we've painted black and Dom and I are in the other. Hobbs drives right through the wall of the evidence room. Dom and Brian pull up and position the cars. Hobbs, Elena, and I shot at the police that try to stop us. Dom and Brian hook the vault onto the back of the cars.

I get back in the car with Dom and Brian and they start to floor it. It takes some time but they manage to loosen the vault and pull it from the wall. We drag the vault out of the parking garage onto the streets of Rio. The police shoot at us as we go. They manage to take out the back windshield of our car.

"Always the back windshield," I state.

"Call it out, Mia!" Dom tells her.

"You've got a straight shot for two blocks," Mia tells us. "Go right."

"Got it," Brian tells her.

We manage to drag the thing behind us without hitting anyone yet, only a few cars.

"Well, the plan is working. You guys have every corrupt cop in Rio on your tail," Mia tells us. "You have to move fast."

"What's the best route?" I ask.

"Okay, keep going straight another half-mile onto Rua Fonseca, and then go left," Mia instructs.

Police block the road preventing us from going left.

"That ain't going to work," Dom tells Mia.

"Spikes ahead, Dom. We got spikes!" Brian shouts.

"We're going right!" Dom says.

"No, it's too tight, we're not going to fit," Brian protests.

"We've got no choice. Now!" Dom shouts.

They take the turn hitting a cop car with the vault before the vault goes through the first floor of a building.

"Holy shit!" I remark.

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now