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I rush out of the church towards Brian and Dom. They've just managed to make it here in time.

It's okay, you're just in time," I tell Brian.

"You're going to be a great father, Brian," Dom tells him.

"What makes you so sure?" Brian asks.

"Because I'll be there to kick your ass if you ain't. Get in there. Go," Dom tells him. Brian is led towards the hospital by two nuns. "Brian. Remember, the second you go through those doors, everything changes. Our old life is done."

I wrap my arms around Dom. "Can you believe Mia and Brian are about to have a son?"

I can feel Dom's chest rumble as he laughs. "Not at all."

"And as his favorite Aunt and Uncle we need to make sure that that boy's first car is not a Skyline," I joke.

"You don't have to worry about that," Dom assures me. "He's a Toretto, it'll be American muscle for sure."

Dom and I have been staying in the Canary Islands to be close to Mia, Brian, and Jack. It's been nice to see their little family grow. Seeing them happy makes me wonder about Dom and I having a family together.

I walk out of the house and see Dom working on an engine. I wrap my arms around him from behind.

"I woke up and you were gone," I tell him. "I thought maybe you had run off with that girl that lives down the street."

Dom turns to face me. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Good." I smile. "'Cause this town is too small for a good car chase."

I feel Dom's chest rumble as he laughs.

"So this is what 100 million buys?"  I turn and see Hobbs standing there. "It wasn't that hard to find you, Torettos."

"We weren't hiding," Dom tells him.

"How's the life of the retired international criminal?" Hobbs asks.

"I like it here. It's quiet," Dom says.

"Nice weather, and no extradition," I add.

"So what are you doing here, cop?" Dom asks.

"Last Tuesday, a team of highly coordinated drivers took down an entire military convoy in Russia," Hobbs tells us.

"I don't do cold weather," Dom states.

"I know it wasn't you," Hobbs assures. "But you're going to help me catch the team responsible."

"Why would we do that?" I ask.

"You're going to come voluntarily. As a matter of fact, you're going to beg me," Hobbs insists. He hands me a manila envelope. "This was taken a week ago. I'll see you out front." Hobbs walks off.

I open the envelope. I can't believe what's inside.

"It's Letty, isn't it?" Dom asks.

"It's impossible," I state.

Dom takes the photo of Letty from me. "It's her."

Dom and I head out front to meet Hobbs.

"I'm going to need everything, all the info you got," I tell him.

"You'll get it when the team gets it," Hobbs tells me.

"No team," Dom insists. "This is going to have to be Toni and I alone."

Hobbs shakes his head slightly. "It's not that simple. The crew we're after, they hit like thunder and disappear like smoke. You go in alone, you won't ever touch them. I've been chasing this guy across four continents and 12 countries, and believe me, the last damn place I want to be right now is on your front doorstep, selling Girl Scout cookies. I need your help. I need your team."

Hearing that Letty might be alive I've got to take the chance and I know Dom is willing to do the same. Dom and I got Tej, Rome, Gisele, and Han on board. Dom and I are on the way to talk to Brian. Let him know what we're about to do.

We pull up to the house Mia, Brian, and Jack have been staying in. The three of them are sitting out front on a blanket surrounded by toys.

I smile as I step out of the car. "Hi, Jack."

Brian holds Jack's arm up making him wave. "What's up, Uncle Dom? What's up, Aunt Toni? You excited to see them?"

Dom spots the blue skyline toy car. "Are you already pushing imports on him?"

"You say, Dad's not pushing anything. He chose that car," Brian says.

"Yeah we know he's an O'Conner, but, I brought you something, Jack." Dom holds out a toy car model of the Charger. Jack goes to touch it. "Yeah! He's also a Toretto."

"I don't know," Brian teases.

"Luckily, he has a couple more years to decide, right?" Mia offers.

"I think he decided, Mia," Dom tells her.

I can't help but laugh.

"I think it's time for his nap." Mia takes Jack from Brian's arms. "Come on, baby. Okay. Say bye."

Brian, Dom, and I sit out front with a few beers.

"It's weird, huh?" Brian states.

"What's weird?" Dom asks.

"We got everything. You know, down to the beer and the barbeque." Brain chuckles. "But it just... I don't know, it just doesn't feel like home. Maybe it's because, uh, you don't realize how much you appreciate something until somebody takes it away. I don't know. The place has probably changed so much, you wouldn't even recognize it anymore."

"Yeah. Everything's changed," Dom states.

"So what's up with you? What's going on?" Brian asks.

I hand him the manila envelope. "Taken a week ago."

Brian reads the front. "Diplomatic Security Service. Hobbs." He looks at the photos of Letty. "You know, I used to do this shit all the time as a cop. This is exactly what cops do. He's messing with your head." He sighs. "Letty's dead, Toni."

"I need to know for sure," I tell him.

"Then I'm going with you," Brain insists.

"You said you were going to leave this life behind," Dom reminds him.

"We both said that we were leaving the life behind," Brian counters.

Mia walks over towards us standing next to Brian. "He's right. We're family. If we got a problem, we deal with it together. And I'll feel safer knowing the three of you are out there, watching each other's backs. You're stronger together. You always were. Now go get Letty. Bring her home."

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now