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We join back up with everyone else and take the chip to Safar.

"Ah! There they are. Disaster," Safar says.

"I'm sorry," Ramsey tells him.

"I get you an invite to the most exclusive party in Abu Dhabi," Safar says.

"Safar..." Ramsey starts.

Safar cuts her off, "No, no, no. You steal the host's car, and you jump it between two buildings."

"Actually, it was three buildings," Brian tells him.

"Oh! Two, insult. Three, honor. My bad," Safar remarks.

"Well, well, well." Mr Nobody walks into the room. "I have to say, you've got an interesting interpretation there of low-key, Mr. Toretto. You know, Dom, I thought we had an understanding."

"Sometimes you have to play the hand you're dealt," Dom offers.

"That's why I prefer to be the dealer." Mr Nobody turns to Safar. "Good night."

"Ah! I'm being kicked out of my own garage. This is great," Safar says as he leaves.

"Uh, may I?" Mr Nobody holds his hand out to Dom.

"Brian, give it to him," Dom instructs.

Brian hands the chip over to Mr Nobody.

"All that trouble for this little thing. With all due respect, Dom, you really did great work back there. All of you. All of my men are now standing by and are fully at your disposal." Mr Nobody hands the chip to Dom. "Your call."

"Ramsey. Fire it up and find me Shaw," Dom instructs.

Ramsey takes the chip and inserts it into a rather impressive computer setup.

"Oh, damn, this is crazy," Tej remarks.

"All right, give me a second," Ramsey says.

"What is it doing now?" Rome asks.

"It's hunting. Hacking into the security cameras at Etihad Towers. That's the last place you saw Shaw, so that's where we'll start," Ramsey explains.

A video of Shaw pops up on the screen.

"That's him, right there," Brian says.

"Wait, wait. What are these numbers right here for?" Tej asks.

"It's bio-mapping Shaw's face. It'll run it against every camera. Every audio device in this hemisphere," Ramsey tells him. "Bingo. Looks like he's holed up here."

"That's perfect. Automated factory, no people, lots of places to hide," Brian says.

"You just changed the face of manhunts forever. Congratulations," Mr Nobody says.

"Hey, can I check my email real quick?" Rome asks.

"Dawn's up in two hours. We're gonna go take down Shaw then," Dom states. "Go get changed."

I stand with Dom as he changes out of his suit.

"I know what your planning," I state.

"What am I planning, Babygirl?" Dom asks.

"To take down Shaw without any of us," I tell him.

Dom pulls his shirt over his head and stands to face me. "It's my battle."

"It's our battle," I tell him. "Ride or die."

"Ride or die," Dom tells me.

"We should go now," Dom tells Mr Nobody. "Just you, your team, Toni, and me."

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now