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We head to another safe house for the night. I sit with Mia in the living room. Dom and Brian are out on the balcony.

I smile slightly. "Congratulations on the baby."

Mia smiles. "Thank you Toni."

"I actually have my own confession," I tell her.

Mia looks at me curiously. "You're not pregnant are you?"

"No. No."I laugh as I shake my head. "Dom and I are married."

"What?" Mia asks.

"We have been for almost seven years," I tell her. Mia looks shocked. "While we were on the run the first time. I went to see him in Mexico after I left Miami. Dom and I, we just decided to go for it, I guess. I think I realized if we could love each other while we were wanted criminals on the run. Then our love could survive anything."

"I wish you would have told me sooner but," Mia smiles. "I'm happy for you two."

I lay in a bed drifting off into sleep. I sit up slightly when I feel the bed dip beside me. Dom is sitting on the edge.

"We're not running anymore, Toni," Dom tells me. We gotta get out now. We're gonna do one last job. We're going to take all of Reyes' money. Every dime of it, and disappear. Forever. New passports. New lives with no more looking over our shoulder. And we're just going to buy our freedom."

I sit up and wrap my arms around him from behind. I rest my head on his shoulder. "We could settle down. Anywhere we want. Not just somewhere with no extradition."

Dom smiles slightly as he nods. "Anywhere you want, Babygirl."

Dom, Brian, Mia, and I stand on a balcony overlooking the favela.

"Alright let's run through the bases real quick," Brian tells us. "Who do we got?"

"First we're gonna need a chameleon. Someone who can blend in anywhere," Dom says.

"What else?" Mia asks.

"A fast talker. Someone who can bullshit their way out of anything," Dom states.

Brian smiles. "I got that."

"This guy is going to have a lot of surveillance. We're going to need someone who's good with circuits," I reason.

"And with those circuits, Reyes is going to have walls. We're going to need guys to punch through those walls," Dom adds.

"What else?" Mia asks.

"Utilities and weapons. Someone who ain't afraid to throw down. Someone to back up every position," Dom says.

"Yeah, what else do we need?" Brian asks.

"Most importantly, we're going to need two precision drivers," Dom states. I roll my eyes. "Guys that don't crack under pressure. Guys that never lose."

Brian smiles. "You know we got that."

Our mission central is an abandoned warehouse. Gisele, Tego, Rico, Tej, Roman, and Han Seoul-Oh are waiting for us.

"I see you all have met," Dom says.

"You know when you called me to come to Rio I assumed it would be for something more exciting than this," Gisele teases.

I smile as I pull Tej in for a hug. "What's up, girl. I missed you."

Rome smiles as he looks at me. "Looking good, baby."

I hit him in the chest before hugging him. "Don't let Dom hear you say that."

I introduce Dom to Tej, "Yo, check this out. This is Tej."

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now