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I sit on the plane Dom's jacket wrapped around me. I lean my head on his shoulder.

"I'm getting a little tired of the bullets," I confess.

Dom nods. "After this we can go wherever you want, Babygirl."

"Wherever Mia and Brian are," I tell him. "I can't be away from Jack for too long."

Dom smiles. "So we're going home."

I nod my head. "Home."

"Hey." Brian walks towards us. "Hey, Dom. It was pretty wild on that mountain, huh?" Brian says.

"No, it was too close," Dom tells him.

"But we got the job done," I state.

Brian laughs lightly. "You know what the crazy thing is, is..."

Dom finishes for him, "You miss the bullets"

"Yeah, that's messed up, huh?" Brian says.

"Brian, I've seen you jump from trains, dive from planes. Hell, I saw your courage the day I met you," Dom tells him.

"Right," Brian says with a laugh.

"Want to know the bravest thing I ever saw you do?" Dom asks. "Be a good man to Mia. Being a great father to my nephew, Jack. Everyone's looking for the thrill, but what's real is family. Your family. Hold on to that, Brian."

When we arrive in Abu Dhabi, we secure some new cars. After that we head to the hotel. I sit out on the beach with our crew.

"It's hotter than I thought it would be," Rome says.

"Yeah, well, we are in the desert, so it would be hot," Tej reasons.

"Oh, no, I ain't talking about the weather," Rome tells him. I see him eyeing Ramsey as she comes out of the water. "My, my, my."

"Now, that is a woman that's worth falling out a plane for," Tej states.

"Get out of there, man, I got dibs on that. You've seen me looking at that," Rome protests.

"Did you just say dibs?" Tej asks.

"What are you, in the fourth grade?" I taunt.

"Man, can you just get out of there?" Rome tells him.

"I mean, it's a free market," Tej insists.

"What are you talking about? Get out of there," Rome tells him.

"Rock, paper, scissors for her," Tej offers.

"Are you guys for real right now?" I ask.

"Look at you. You both look whipped already," Letty taunts.

"You got stalker eyes," I tease.

"I tried to call dibs on Ramsey two years ago. Her knee, my balls. Trust me, you don't wanna do that," a guy says as he walks over to us. "Hey! Ramsey!"

Ramsey smiles at the guy. "Hello, Safar."

"I see you make some new friends," Safar says.

"Yeah, some short-tempered new friends. I need the speed drive I sent you," Ramsey tells him. "Where is it?"

"Oh, good. You will be pleased to know I sold it," Safar tells him.

"You sold it?" Ramsey asks in disbelief.

"You hear that?" I ask.

"I asked you to take care of it. Why on earth would you sell it?" Ramsey asks.

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now