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It took a few days but I was able to track Dom down to the shack he's been staying in, in Mexico. I spot him out front working on a car.

"I was worried you would have moved on by now," I state.

Dom looks up from the car. "Toni?"

I smile as I nod my head. Dominic puts down the rag he's holding and rushes over to me. He pulls me towards him in a bone crushing hug.

"Where have you been?" Dom asks.

"I was clearing my name," I tell him.

Dom looks at me confused. "How did you manage that?"

"Brian actually," I tell him.

"Brian O'Connor?" Dom asks.

I nod my head. "I went down to Miami after I left LA and then Brian showed up. Of course we found ourselves running in the same circle. I even lived with him on a house boat for a while. US Customs tracked Brian down and offered him a deal to clear his record if he helped them. I was in the car when they found him so they offered me the same deal," I tell him.

"You just forgave him for what he did?" Dom asks. "He wasn't family, Antonia."

"He let me go. He let you. He got my name cleared. He helped me, Dom. You may be angry with him. I get it. He hurt you, he hurt Mia. He hurt me, but he also made up for it," I tell him. I shake my head. "But I don't want to talk about him. I wrap my arms around his waist. "I missed you, Dom."

He smiles widely as he grabs my ass. "Baby girl, I'm gonna show you just how much I missed you."

I laugh as Dom picks me up. "I'm counting on it."

Dom and I are headed to the beach this morning. It's not like LA or Miami where it's crowded and noisy. There's no one else here in the secluded cove Dom showed me. I wrap my legs around Dom's waist as he walks into the water. He stops when we're shoulder deep.

I smile slightly. "This is beautiful."

Dom nods. "What are your plans now?"

"I came into some money," I tell him.

"Legally?" Dom asks.

"Legal adjacent," I tell him. Dom smiles slightly. "But I'm going back to LA." Dom nods. "I'm gonna use the money to pay for my first semester of school."

"I'm proud of you," Dom tells me. "You're pulling your life together."

I nod my head. "I'm twenty one I've got a lot more of my life to live and I wanna do it right?" Dom smiles slightly. "What about you? What's next for Dominic Toretto?"

"I'm close to overstaying my welcome here. I'm gonna make my way down to South America," Dom tells me.

"What happens to us when I leave here? When I'm in LA and you're somewhere in central America thousands of miles away?" I ask.

"Hey, nothing is going to change," Dom assures me. "You're always gonna be my girl. I'm always going to love you." I smile as Dominic leans in to kiss me. He pulls away after a moment and rests his forehead on mine. "I've got an idea."

I still have the key to the house. I smile when I open the door. Mia must not have changed the locks.


I hear her rushing out from the kitchen. "What are you doing here, Toni?"

"It's fine, Mia," I assure her. "I cleared my name."

"Really?" Mia asks. I nod my head. She rushes towards me and pulls me into a hug. "I've missed you."

I laugh. "I've missed you too."

"Where have you been? And how did you clear your name?" Mia asks.

"I was in Miami. I went undercover for US customs to help them get a drug dealer," I explain. Mia nods. "I saw Dom."

"Is he alright?" Mia asks.

"He's fine. He misses you," I tell her. Mia looks at me slightly saddened. "He's gonna be fine. We all are."

I sit on the couch not wanting to move. I just finished a shift at the store. Mia and I aren't ready to let it go yet.

Mia walks out of the kitchen. "Long day?"

I nod my head. "I think I'll just sleep here."

Mia laughs. "I made dinner."

I sit up. "I'll eat then sleep on the couch."

Suddenly the door knob starts to turn on the front door. I stand up. "Go in the kitchen. Get a knife."

Before Mia can move, the door opens. Standing there is Letty. I look at her in disbelief.

"Letty?" Mia asks.

"Thank god you didn't change the locks," Letty jokes.

I rush to pull her into a hug followed by Mia.

"Where have you been?" Mia asks.

"With Dom," Letty tells us. I nod my head. "In the Dominican Republic."

"Why did you come back?" I ask. "The LAPD is gonna be swarming the house if they find out that you're back."

Letty shakes her head. "I worked something out."

"Do I want to know?" I ask.

Letty shakes her head. "Nah." She pulls Dom's cross from her pocket. "Dom left this. Wanted me to make sure you got it."

I nod my head before taking it from her. "Thank you."

Letty and I are in the garage working on Dom's Charger.

"What were you and Dom doing in the Dominican Republic?" I ask.

"Same things we did here," Letty tells me. "Gas prices were going up for a small town. Dom decided we should do something about it so we hijacked the tanker."

"So he got a new crew?" I ask.

"There were some good guys," Letty tells me.

I laugh. "He replaced us? Were any of them prettier than me?"

"Come on, Toni, you know Dom only has eyes for you," Letty assures.

I nod my head. "I know." I pause for a moment. "Why did you come back?"

"I woke up one morning and Dom was gone," Letty tells me. "He said it was getting too dangerous."

"Well that's BS," I state.

Letty laughs. "I said the same thing."

I smile. "I'm glad you're back, Letty. And not just so I can have an extra set of hands to fix the Charger."

Quater-Mile// Dominic TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now