A Deal

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"A...flower?" Stolas stared over his tea at the deer sitting across from him.

"Yes, a flower." Alastor had already finished the tea Stolas gave him. He was stilled filled with that energy he had before arriving here, and kept fidgeting in his seat.

"Why do you need a flower."

"My daughter would really like to see a real one. I'm prepared to make any deal to get one." Alastor stared at Stolas, showing he was dead serious about this.

"I...suppose I can get you a flower. It's not a big request." The owl sipped his tea, then set it aside, "Though, I do have a condition."

"And that is?"

"It has been brought to my attention that there is someone trying to assassinate me."

"Stolas, you're a prince. People are always trying to kill you." Alastor was stating the obvious, all demon royalty delt with pathetic attempts at their lives.

"Yes, but their is a particular person who possesses...a blessed weapon. Ones that can kill demon royalty." This got Alastor's attention.

"Those sort of weapons are quite rare. How did this person get one?"

"I don't know, but I do know that this demon's name is Striker." Stolas rubbed his head, like it was aching, "Anyways, here's my proposition. I give you a flower for you daughter, you stop Striker from killing me."

"Interesting~" Alastor felt his smile grow wider as a familiar feeling great in his chest. It was like excitement, yet it held a sharp taste for bloodlust. This was the feeling he always got when he was close to a good deal.

"Does that sound good to you, Radio Demon?"

"Well~" Alastor couldn't help but feel delighted when Stolas gave him a wary look, "A deal like this...I think I should at least get one more thing out of it."

"I suppose." Stolas gulped, feeling like maybe he shouldn't have mentioned Striker at all.

"How about, I find this Striker, and kill him after I find out who sent him after you. In return, I get the flower...and you find someone for me." Alastor leaned back in his chair, the idea in his head making him smile wider somehow, "Of course you also need to help me whenever I call for you."

"Th-thats a bit much don't you-"

"Of course, you can always take your chances and refuse~" Alastor admired the back of his hand, knowing he had Stolas right where he wanted him.

Silence passed between the two demons, filled with tension. Stolas knew this deal was risky, and that Alastor has purposefully put him in this position. The Radio Demon was pretty much offering to out him into servitude...but he would get his life and the name of Striker's employer. Stolas didn't want to risk his life, especially after what Blitzo had told him about Striker's fighting skill.

"Who do you want me to find?" If Stolas was going to go through with this, he needed to know the full detail of what Alastor wanted.

"A woman named Lucile Romano." Alastor leaned forward and held out his hand, "Do we have a deal?"

One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. Then Stolas grabbed the outstretched hand, not blinking twice as the green light surrounded them, blinding the deal. No backing out now.

"I'm glad we could see eye to eye, Stolas." Light radio static surrounded his head and the green light disappeared as he drew his hand back.

"Just don't make me regret this." The bird kept his eyes trained on the floor, even as the deer stood and took up his cane.

"Only time will tell if you do." With a loud crack, Alastor disappeared.

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