1 Year

518 18 19

"Voodoo?" Angel Dust wasn't sure he'd heard Alastor right. He had sat in silence as the deer told him about Anya and Rider coming across his spell book, and Anya summoning a bunch of shadows (he glossed over them getting attacked).


"Ya wanna teach Anya...voodoo?"

"It's better than risking her getting into my things again and getting herself hurt."

"Al I just- ya see why I'm worried about that, yeah?"

"Of course I do, but Anya would be safer if she's properly prepared. She has a gift for it, my love."

The spider folded both sets of arms and thought for a few moment, not saying a word. He'd seen Alastor use voodoo, and it honestly made him nervous whenever he did. Alastor always seemed more cocky and prideful when he used it, and that meant it was easier to make him mad, though he did have good control over himself. Anya was still just a little girl, if voodoo had the same effect on her, what would stop her firm using it to harm someone who made her mad? He'd already seen her glaring at customers who made things difficult for them at the hotel.

"...are ya sure this is a good idea?" Angel Dust asked sheepishly.

"Angel," Alastor took the hand if his lover, "I am 100% certain that teaching Anya how to properly use voodoo, instead of risking her accidentally casting it herself, will not only keep her safe, but those around her." Alastor offered a gentle smile, "I'll make sure nothing goes wrong."

God, when he spoke like this, Angel couldn't help but feel reassured, "Well...if you're so confident about it, I can't say no." The spider smiled and placed a kiss on the Overlord's cheek.

"When am I never not confident in my own abilities?" Alastor asked with a grin.

"Fair enough. When are ya goin' ta start teachin' her?"

"A few days at the latest, mostly so I can figure out what would be best to start her with."

"Just don't teach her how ta set fire to anythin'."

"Of course not! Fire won't be until later!"



"Keep up, Anya!" Rider laughed as he raced Anya down the hallway and to the elevator.

"Rider, my legs are shorter than yours!" Anya squeaked, trying to redo the button on her yellow overalls that had popped undone.

"Beat you!" Rider exclaimed as he pressed the elevator button.

Anya huffed, but smiles at him, "I'll get you next time."

"You wish!"

Anya playfully shoved him, "I'll use my super awesome magic next time to run faster!"

"That would be cheating." Rider stated, "...but cool."

The elevator opened, and the two hopped inside, Rider pulling Prince Henry out of his pocket and setting him on his own head. Anya made her her pigtails weren't falling out as they rode down to the lobby, pulling them  so they weren't  to tight, just as Angel had taught her. Today was a special day, and she wanted to look her absolute best for what was about to happen.

"Rider, your hair is standing up." Anya quickly started flattening her friend's hair with her hands. She was careful not to knock iff the hellfrog resting on it.

"Vaggie said it was fine-"

"Papa says Aunt Vaggie doesn't know much about hair."

"Not true!" Rider crossed his arms, glaring, "Vaggie knows a lot about hair, she just likes working on mine and Charlie's instead of hers!"

"...is that why Aunt Charlie always has pretty hair?"

"Darn right it is!" Rider smiled, no longer upset as Anya mentioned Vaggie's work of her girlfriend's hair, "Charlie says Vaggie's the only one who can make her hair stay in a bun."

The elevator doors opened, and the two stepped out, Anya almost getting knocked over as Fat Nuggets ran to her, nuzzling her legs. She was officially the only other person he liked as much as Angel Dust, and Anya liked to say that they had the same Papa because of it. The little imp smiled and gave him a scratch behind the ears, Fat Nuggets thanking her with oinks.

"There you two are!" Furfur came over and quickly ushered the children along, "Come on, it's starting soon!"

"Okay, grandpa!" Anya giggled, picking up the pace as she took Rider's hand.

The whole hotel was gathered in the lobby, and decorations were everywhere. Nifty ran to and fro, making sure that the balloons, streamers, and banners were all completely clean, Finley in a baby carrier on her back, snoozing. Husk was using his wings, something he rarely did, to help put up a banister over the entry way. Alastor was on the ground, telling him if he needed to move it in any direction to level it out. Angel Dust and Vaggie were adding the finishing touches to a buffet table, Angel sneaking a bite of food head and there when Vaggie wasn't looking. Last was Charlie, standing in the middle of the room, a huge grin on her face as she looked around at everything.

"I found them!" Furfur called to Charlie as he brought Rider and Anya over.

"Perfect! Now everyone's here!" She kept shifting in her feet, to excited to stand still, "Guys!" The princess looked around at her friends, "Is everything ready?"

"We're finished over here, my dear!" Alastor called back.

"Everything is spic and span!" Nifty chimed.

"Food's all done!" Angel replied.

"Surprisingly, you didn't eat it all." Vaggie muttered under her breath, only to receive a playful poke from the spider.

"C'mon Vags! It's delicious!"

"Everything looks so perfect." Charlie said more to herself than anyone else. She wiped a tear from her eye as she looked around one more time, taking in all the hotel guest gathered in the lobby, smiling and happy.

Rider stood next to her, "Could I say the thing now?" He asked, a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

Charlie chuckled and picked him up, hoisting him high so that everyone could get a good look at him, "Go for it!" Rider's tail wagged as he cupped his hands to his mouth and shouted in a a voice surprisingly loud for such a small child.



HEYYYYYY!!! I got something awesome for you guys! One of you lovely people went and made fanart of Anya, and it is so damn cute and amazing I had to show it! This person deserves all the hugs for it and looking at it makes me happy beyond expression!

Thank you hostofhorus999 She's adorable!

Thank you hostofhorus999  She's adorable!

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So Much In Common: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now